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Bean bets on HFB updating to!

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Well during the last DayZ patch we had to wait over a day to due "the guy being asleep"

So today i'm taking bets on how long it will take until the new version gets pushed for us to install as its already been a good few hours that other servers have had the patch.

whoever is closest without going over receives my beans!

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hmmmm, well lets see I have already been waiting several hours. I anticipate at least a few more hours for the person to "wake up", so I will say 7PM CST


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The patch is up. And im not sure if you noticed all the warnings slapped on this page http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48329-hotfix-build-1724-rolling-update/ Just an FYI we test the patches in depth before rolling them out, we don't just roll it out and then realize it was completely broken. Just like several of the patches in the past where they immediately roll out a hot fix (within a few hours that is).

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