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Carbon Tactics clan - Now Recruiting

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I'm nowhere near the camp, but I'm kinda bored so I'll go check it out.

Edit: Camp doesn't look fine to me.

Edited by Swineflew

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Age - 16

What role are you applying for in this clan - Would love to be a sniper, but I dont have any experience with it (would love to learn). Therefore a trooper.

How much experience do you have playing Dayz - A good bit, been playing for a while and I know the cities and my way around the map very easily.

Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - Yes, both.

Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- Yes, I will take all the missions seriously to try and acheive the best outcome of it.


1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible? - First, I scout out the area, walking around the city scouting, trying to figure out where they are, and what weapons they have. Then, depending on the information I gather, I make my move on the closest player, hopefully getting on a rooftop to have the higher ground of him. After that I move around from player to player, seeing if they weapons worth the kill, or leave them alone if they are out of my way.

2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)? - First, I get my squad to a position where the sniper fire ceases, then I get our sniper to scout it out and figure where he is. Then depending on where that is, we move around still out of his sight to a place where one of us can get a shot(probably our sniper). Once hes down, I wait a bit more running in gapes of sight from where the sniper was, trying to get a possible friend of his to take a shot at me. Then possibly repeat, if there is a another sniper.

3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told their is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here? - First I would get high ground, and get the positions of the 3 guys. I have my sniper ready for the shot, and the rest of the guys ready to charge the riflemen (hopefully from behind if possible). I give our sniper the go to sniper the other one, then at the same time when the riflemen look for the shot, we rush from whereever we are and take them out.

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I'm nowhere near the camp, but I'm kinda bored so I'll go check it out.

Edit: Camp doesn't look fine to me.

Doesn't look fine ?

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The camp is fine to be honest, the server auto restarts and all the tents appear and weapons appear back. The only thing you actually destroyed was the Ural?. See how he hides his name from the public, because he knows that if people know who he is, he wouldnt survive. He has a grudge you see guys.

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What if he looted all the tents or saved them with nothing ?

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I've been watching this for a while, and am interested.

Age - 29 (I'm CA based, work in the medical industry)

What role are you applying for in this clan - Medic, Scout, Mechanic, in that order

How much experience do you have playing Dayz - A couple of months of solo bandit play

Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - Yes

Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions - Yes, I'm a cooperative playuer that is easy to get along with and follows what is asked for.


1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible?

I stealth into cherno, avoiding players and zombies, grab my supplies and re-tool the clan.

2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)?

Im sorry, but I dont want to be responsible for a 5-man squad. I want to be a member, but no intention on being the leader.

3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told their is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here?

Again, I dont want to be responsible for a 5-man squad. But the order should be for 3 squad members, one with med supplies, to rush the market as 2 snipers over-watch and provide cover, eliminating the threat.

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What if he looted all the tents or saved them with nothing ?

Well asking a question as a reply to the answer, they respawned. They seem to be saved with everything that we origionally put in. Guess you could call us lucky, or maybe just getting by without nameless people trying to screw you over. It's still funny tho, he spent all that time to destroy them and all he got was our ural. Even then I think thats just reset back to its old old position up north where we stashed it ages ago. So no harm done, even tho your picture "trolololo" is of you destroying us.

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Age - 27

What role are you applying for in this clan - recon or medic (whichever you need more)

How much experience do you have playing Dayz - 2 weeks, but I consider myself a good player I have repaired vehicles set up tents full of supplies raided electro multiple times without dieing

Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - yes i have both.

Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- I am both serious when i need to be, and light hearted when the mission is over.

I Can only play at mostly at night because I have training during the day,( In the DEP for the U.S. Navy.) but some days i will be able to play during daytime hours.


1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible?

1. I'm going to assume I am solo for this question since it was not specified. First I would try to find some high ground that has cover to get a vantage point to see if i could locate any players in the city. After watching for a bit to see where, and how many players are curently in the city, I would also check the hills for snipers. I would try to hit the locations they are not in untill I found a weapon that stands a chance against another semi geared player. Once I found a weapon I would make my way twords the other players stealthily, and execute them as quickly and quietly as posible. This can require patience as waiting for people to make themselves vulnerable is key.

2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)?

2. First thing you need to do is find cover, you cant help anyone if you take a bullet in the head 2 seconds later. then your entire team needs to figure out which direction the shots came from. once you figure out where the sniper is, you split up into 2 man teams. and run in a "C" shape starting from the center of the"C" and the 2 teams going in oposite directions twords the sniper using cover as you go. if you have smoke its good to pop them in his general direction before doing this, or to cover your routes twords him. as soon as anyone has eyes on the sniper they need to lay down suppressive fire to keep him pinned and distracted. this tactic should kill the sniper with minimal casualties.

3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told their is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here?

3. 3 men need to go into the city and 2 men need to be hunting for the sniper, our teams sniper should be counter sniping. with the second guy with the sniper helping him locate the other sniper. the 3 that go into the city need to start making there way tword the store while the other team is hunting the sniper, the store should be approched by the team from 1 of 2 directions depending on if the other team has spotted the sniper yet. if the snipers location is known and he is not eliminated yet, then the team should approach the store from the oposite side of the sniper. if the sniper is eliminated or the location is not know the store should be approched from behind the enemy 2 man assault team. there location should be known because of our own overwatch team.

Kill the 2 man enemy assault team, if the sniper is dead enter the store and patch up our teamate (if we got there in time to save him.) and then loot what we can and move on to the next objective. if the teamate died, hold the location untill he can return to get his gear, ( or if we have enough room in our packs we can loot his gear and bring it to him.)

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There was one team who went in and yea yer shit was all taken out and tents saved. The satchel charges did nothing to the tents. The boys frapped the raid showing all items removed, so yea, you got lucky.

Kinda funny how you use the word "He". Thats just one team, we have five more just like em.

Edited by Fishmitts

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Ha, I love you guys. I'd like you to be on with all five at once and come at me bro, you'll go home pants down ass red after I personally rape you all.

But you are also welcome for smart comebacks, they're fine too.

Edited by daemonik

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Luck is for people with doubts, I don't. It's a game anything is possible.

Possible? I'll tell you whats probable. We could just dedicate our clan to fuck with you 24/7 and flood our boys in to the point yer getting picked just spawning. Fucking crabmeat. Ever hear of the term "Zerg"? Your a bandit clan, and you dupe. No one will feel sorry for you.

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I'm not asking anyone to feel sorry, feel sorry all you want or don't, like I mentioned again it's a game and I have fun, so far i'm not dead, so I will continue to have fun. Again - come if you wish. I can't guarantee you a time when i'll be on but I will be on throughout the day and possibly night.

Edited by daemonik

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Ha, I love you guys. I'd like you to be on with all five at once and come at me bro, you'll go home pants down ass red after I personally rape you all.

But you are also welcome for smart comebacks, they're fine too.

Go get em' Tiger!

oh wait you play on recruit server... your bad.. nvm

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Go get em' Tiger!

oh wait you play on recruit server... your bad.. nvm

Not sure what you mean by recruit. But i'm sure you'll be more than happy to let me know.

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Not sure what you mean by recruit. But i'm sure you'll be more than happy to let me know.

and you said you would kill us all and send us back home? I feel almost bad for you at this point... Tell you what... I'm willing to show you the ropes if you give me your beans right now

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Yea, I just noticed your server is a recruit difficulty server. "Come at me bro" on your recruit server where you can mouse scan the horizon and see name tags and distances. You're terrible and your guild stinks.

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and i failed to read

Edited by cjbee

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Haha whoa guys!

I took a little break from this game and come back to post in this thread that were no longer recruiting for a clan.

Yeah our base got raided by a bunch of guys and decided it wasn't worth continuing because recruitment was so slow anyway.

We had a bit of stuff set up but a lot of the people who applied for this thread never really followed through on it and was just too slow to be set up, so i apologize for anyone else who filled out an application and wasn't given any more information.

And whats with the hostility torwards our clan? You guys are seriously some big-time losers if you have nothing better to do then act like children, it's just a game nerds!

Anyways good luck everyone and happy hunting.


Edited by Gooseguy312

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Yea, I just noticed your server is a recruit difficulty server. "Come at me bro" on your recruit server where you can mouse scan the horizon and see name tags and distances. You're terrible and your guild stinks.

You mean difficulty? Ah, well i'm not sure about that. I have vet on all the time.

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Nerds ??? where do you come from the stoneage? ;) there are millions and millions of gamers around the world today the term "nerd"is way out of date and you play games too so what does that make you?

think of something else come you can do it :thumbsup:

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Base got owned,

It's meta gaming and we are winning,

Come at me brosef.


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