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Tips for survival in the anarchistic post apocalypse: (Newb friendly)

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Whether you're a hardened veteran, or a fresh off the shore newb - everyone can benefit from a couple tips, tricks, and pointers. This post will be dedicated to the giving, and receiving of tips that may change the way you play for the better. Others who have good tips to share are welcome, and those who would like to receive pointers even more so. Hopefully this will be pinned eventually.

  • This is a lawless zone, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE unless you have reason to do so.
  • Other players will, more often than not, kill you at the first opportunity. It doesn't matter if you don't have any gear they need, they will often kill you just for kicks.
  • If someone commands you to "stop", or "stop moving", or "halt" - DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE. They are often just trying to get an easier shot at a target standing still. Serpentine (*run in zig-zags) and head for the closest tree line - DO NOT attempt to take cover behind nearby debris. You will often be a sitting duck while they can advance their position or lure you out with a false sense of security after time has passed.
  • Stick to the tree-line, even when you think you're deep in the middle of nowhere. Never assume that all the other players are somewhere else, or in major cities. You're not, and they may not be either.
  • When you hear shots that are close to you (whiz by, or hit the ground near you) - resist the urge to stop and attempt to pinpoint the direction, or position of the enemy. They already have the jump on you - because 1. You're now confused 2. You're adrenaline starts going 3. They already know where you are - you aren't so lucky. 4. There may be a sniper mil dot on your head the moment you crouch or go prone.
  • I would venture to say 60% of the people who tell you they're "friendly" are not, be on guard, and even if you decide not to engage them - be aware of their actions. Switching weapons, reloading, or even them bringing their gun up to your body or face may be red flags that you need to kill them or be killed.
  • Just because you are nice to someone does not mean they will be nice in return, just because you helped a survivor kill some zombies does not make you BFFs, and there's no indication that he won't turn his gun on you afterwards.
  • Go into every situation prepared - not gear wise. Ready. Go into every residence, market, church, firestation, hangar, or even town EXPECTING players to be armed and ready. Go around every corner like you know there's a player waiting on the other side to ambush you. Go through every door prepared to see someone in the next room. This will make your life a lot easier. The real thing that kills most people aren't the tactical disadvantages, but it's getting comfortable - and not being prepared when shit goes down.
  • Learn the controls newb. Know what your character can do, and how, do not just try to jump into this game and learn as you go - you may be missing something important.
  • No matter how good your gear gets, or what items you aquire...make sure in the back of your mind you remember how easily it can be taken from you - IF YOU GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR: YOU'RE GUNNA HAVE A BAD TIME. All good things must come to an end (probably around 2-4 days IF YOU'RE LUCKY.) Treat everything as temporary, you can get another.
  • Just because you met someone on the forums, does not mean they're trustworthy - people are looking for newbs to set traps for on the forums all the time.
  • If you see a marker on the map entitled "Heli crash site!!", or "Camp site found! lots of loot!" or anything that seems too good to be true? It probably is. Do not investigate unless you have absolutely nothing you don't mind losing.
  • Other people can see markers on your map, do not mark important areas, like where you set up your tent. Others will run up, and you might get done up.
  • Know what the tools do: Flashlight(L): obvious.cmon. Entrenching tool: removes barbed wire, sandbags, and tank traps. Map(M): talks to you and tells Dora the explorer where to go. Tool box: allows you to fix up vehicles, cars, boats, bikes, trucks, and (helicopters), Binoculars( B - : Allow you to scope out an area. Night vision goggles(N): Allow you to perceive things clearly at night without the use of flares, chem-lights, fires, or gamma exploits. Hatchet: allows the cutting of wood for fire. Matches: enable you to make a fire to cook meat on. Hunting knife: allows you to gun meat from animals you kill to cook. Watch(o): allows you to tell what time it is on the server. Compass(k): Allows you to attain your direction. Any others will be apparent.
  • If you die, you body will last (30-40) minutes, if your corpse has not been looted (or hidden by your assailant) you may go back and retrieve your belongings if you make it in time.
  • LEARN THE MAP - it helps to have use a map on the internet, or to have a map open on a second monitor whilst playing. The more you know about the terrain, and geography, the easier you'll find it to do what needs to be done.
  • It is often easier to win 1v1 gunfights in 1st person mode.
  • 3rd person mode can be used to see around corners, and over walls - however - know that your enemy has the same ability.
  • Scope high traffic areas out before you enter them, you may find a sniper on a roof, or a survivor running for dear life through the streets, both are important to be aware of.
  • Learn the sniper spots, and learn how to avoid their effective areas, so that you can avoid them (or sneak up on snipers if that's what you're into (high risky, high reward))
  • If you "think you might have" seen or heard something - assume you did. Better safe than than standing on that lonely shore once more.
  • Take the high ground whenever the opportunity presents itself, it offers a better vantage point of your surroundings, and anyone who happens to be passing below will likely be looking straight ahead or down a slope, not up it.
  • Freezing up, is the easiest way to get killed in this game, I cannot stress it enough. react fast, and rely on your instincts.
  • Zombies, or Zeds must walk slowly in buildings, and can easily be lost by weaving in and out of tree trunks, shrubbery, or anything else that breaks their line of sight. They will investigate the area, but will lose interest in you fairly quickly.
  • Zombies have about 4500 health, about 3 shots with a pistol - 1 shot for a head-shot instant kill. Players obviously have 12000 health, but one headshot is the end of them too.
  • Learn how much damage guns do, and don't stop unloading into someone until you see their death message, or your murder / bandit kill number rises. They may be playing dead, or simply be unconscious.
  • Learn the ailments and how to alleviate them. For instance, a broken bone - which can be received from gun shot wounds, Mike Tyson-like zombies, falling a distance above waist level, the wind, rain drops, particularly vengeful blades of grass, walking past other players or objects too intimately, or just no reason at all. Can be taken care of with a shot of morphine...because our characters are badass, and they only need a painkilling/sedative to sprint around like marathon runners on shattered bones.
  • Assume everyone on a night server has night vision goggles, don't run around with a flashlight, they can be seen for miles. Don't use flares unless you don't mind being noticed from the moon, and only use chemlights if the situation calls for it. If you get night vision goggles, don't assume you can walk into any major place and loot it because you're the only one. You're not.
  • Helicopter crash sites, and other random spawns are widely sought out - do not assume you're the only one searching, or the only one who's found it. Be prepared to kill, whether it's a player, or 8 zombies that have spawned around the helicopter crash site.
  • Trailing zombies through a town, city, or road will easily get you noticed, not only the movement - but the noise of the zombies will alert other players.
  • Use your weapons sparingly, and tactically, don't put a whole Lee enfeild clip into a walking zombie in the middle of Chernogorsk. Gun fight will put all nearby players on alert. It may scare some, and it may rouse others as to your position.
  • A healthy dose of skepticism will go a long way in this game.
  • Enjoy yourself, play the way that enables you to have the most fun, whether that's getting 5 friends and forming and axe murdering gang, hunting players on the shore, sniping, simply surviving, killing Zeds, or doing crazy things. Don't let anyone tell you the right way to play this game, because that's up to you. My goal is simply to offer tips to those who want them.
  • If you have more tips to add, if I've left important things out, or you've benefited from the tips. Post!

Edited by Zeux
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Some good tips here. I would also suggest running only through forests and to a lesser extent open fields. In towns/cities/main roads, I highly suggest crouching at all times and proning a LOT. I just about never get killed when I'm prone, you have to be patient in this game to survive longer, even crouching at the wrong time can get you killed.

Edited by IroquoisPliskin
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Let's not forget, always carry food and water. At least two of each. Out in the forest and on busy servers a good can of beans can be precious rare.

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Here is another tip to understand the situation when going into town and you want to know if there will be any hostiles around. Zombies only spawn if there are players about, they spawn in at 200m away from the player. So if you are far off and well over 200m and you see deads walking around... either a player is there or someone has already been and gone. Knowing this tactic allows you to take caution beforehand and take a more advantageous when entering the location.

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