Frotty 0 Posted July 27, 2012 I just saw the changelog auf and noticed that the respawn button is now disabled as long as you don't have a fracture.I guess instant respawning at the beach to find the desired spot is gone now?..I got one last lucky time then.[story]Me and my mate just both respawned after encountering several player on our loot route, so we both had nothing.I restarted in Solnichy and he came running from Krutoy Cap so we could team up again. After finding a hatchet, jarry can and minor stuff I went on north.Just after leaving Solnichy and passing the bridge, I see something at the fuel station: A GAZ.It was my 8th car I found or so, thats why it wasn't something great and new, but it's always a joyful suprise.So I ran up to it, just to see, that it's almost fully repaired, only fuel and fueltankparts were missing.With the jarry can I just found I fill up the GAZ, hop in and catch up my friend, then continuing to the factory above solnichy. Luckily, the first thing we find in the high yield building at the top were fueltankparts, we both were very happy, totally repaired the car and drove off to was a pleasant suprise to get a fully repaired car just after ~15 minutes into the game.After looting the military tents in Berezino, we continued to krasnostav, goind for supermarkets in order to find backpacks.We found 2 ALICE Packs and 1 czech backpack and took all the food and resources we could find. Already this was a very lucky find.While being in the back of the supermarket we hear a mysterious noise - something like wind, but kinda disturbing. While my friend keeps looking through the bags, I slowly go to the front of the shop to check the noise.In a short note: We were on a very low server with only 8 players (including us) online.And then I see: a big bus just passing the supermarket.I didn't even realize that I had parked the car in front of the shop and just tried to hide myself inside the shop, because I thought they were gonna loot it, in order to shoot them with the Ak 74 Kobra I just found. I really didn't want to die.After like 2 seconds, 2 guys dropped from the bus, the driver kept going left and drove off. Before I realised what was going on and alerted my friend, they got into our car, and drove off.I rushed out of the shop and tried to shoot at them, but it was pretty pointless.1 second later my friend arrived at the backdoor and shot a few times, but both vehicles were gone short after.After being really pissed off for being so point out stupid and because half of the other players on the damn server had to be at our point we thought cleverly:The only point of intrest these assholes could be going (since they went right) could be the olsha airstrip. So we head of the street and turn left the first street to get to the airstrip.After a short while and being on the same lvls as the hangar, my friend notices something on the street, and then we both see a big dustcloud :The 2 guys with our car came driving to our position. Instantly we both get off the road and fire 1 mag each onto the drivers seats.They drive of the street to the hangar-side and one player gets out, lying on the ground.This stupid action of him cost him his live ins econds, because he couldn't really see us ontop of the roadhill, be I could easily shoot him and so I did.Cause of the done dmg and low offroad speed of the GAz we keep following it pass the airstrip, down the hill.After we arrive at it's guessed location, we see it standing there, and again, I realized too late that he jsut got out and waited for us to come - I get shot.Raging a bit I tell my freind his position, he sees him, fires a few shots from his AKM, breaks his bones, but also dies from the first shot from our enemies AS50.But I didn't give up. I respawned in komarova first, then respawned again to find myself in solnichy. Having nothing to lose I head up to berezino, find another AK with 1 mag in the tents and keep running directly to Olsha airstrip.After a few mintues I arrive at the first corpse of the player I shot. I loot him quickly jsut to find out he had an M14 AIM, GPS, rangefinder, nvg. I take the good stuff and head to my corpse immediatly.Half way through I hear gunshots and see Zombies running to 2 player who are fighting ontop of the hill.I instantly crough down and start to fire. They keep looking around, but can't see me anywhere. After 5-8 shots the right one sinks down - but is still alive as I got no murder nor bandit kill, the other one heads down the hill.Approching the dead player carefully, I find out they came here with the bus (as I thought when running here) and the player I wounded died from blood loss. He was the one holding the AS 50 and an m9 sd.I didn't loot him first, but rather looked for the 2nd player, I couldn't find him anywhere, I guess he disconnected out of fear (they didn't know I came alone with no equip). I loot the dead player quickly, get into the bus and drive of some place away to inspect it and meet up with my mate again.Sadly I lost our car with lots of medical supply, but found 2 AK 74 Kobra with ammo in the bus!I drove off, met with my friend and we both decided to take a break after he geared up with the stuff from the bus.As a conclusion I can say that these bandits were rather stupid, driving the car back to our position and staying on the airstrip for too long (maybe waiting for their dead mate)[/story]Now the discussion:I respawned 3 times to get to solnichy, which is now prohibited by the disabled respawn button.Do you think disabling was a good idea or do you also think it's kinda annoying because it's even harder now to meet up with mates after respawning / to respawn near to each other?I guess it prevents the speed of respawning, but you can still kill yourself by taunting many Zombs or drowning instead.Was my behaviour "okay" to do? 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