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tent item duping

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i agree on accidentle duped stuff, but. this is just ...

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You seem not to read the forums before posting, maybe try this post


And realy, i do not care about that at all. Why does someone even ask for a wipe? It will change nothing, only cost the "legit" playing guys time to get there stuff back, the other do not even care, cause they have there stuff 5 mins after the wipe back, so does not solve anything such a wipe.



Ps. seems you even do not care about taking hacked stuff or duped stuff, you still have your civ clothing in your inventory and a golden .45 (that fur sure is not in DayZ), so even a wipe would not fix the tent you found if the .45 was in it, it is a hackers camp and such a guy will have it all back in no time.

Edited by WorkingOnIt

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The owners of this camp raided other camps sites and looted duped items and they dupe themselves. Duping items because of a synchronise error is not really hacking. But if you do it on purpose, it's still cheating.

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Says the guy with the gold revolver! And all the most expensivest gear in the game lolol. Look at his zombie kills and all seems a bit fake

Edited by Karnage953

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I assure you it's not my inventory in this screenshot. I am mainly busy staying alive in areas like Elektro and Cherno. :D Why would you even think it's mine? Someone else posted this picture on another forum and I thought it would make a nice example of duping gone real bad.

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