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Possible Tent Fixes?

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I've used three tents for far in my month or so of playing, and all of them has had this issue at one time or another. I place my tent in a concealed area, store some valuable gear, save and logout. I come back the next day and the tent is empty or I have multiple empty tents where mine was located. What gives, is there a fix for this or are tents just completely broken? My last tent had a lot of food, drink, ammo and a M9 that are now all lost.

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Sometimes server restarts will delete all items in your tent. It's a glitch, but from what I've heard it's only tents that have been placed more than once (re-located).

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Once you place a tent you have to let the server go through one reboot cycle before putting anything in. That is what I have found on our server.

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the tents have something wrong with the syncing and saving of it being placed. they do not save loot if the server is restarted a few hours later. its a real hassle but if you put a few things in to test and save it and if its there the next day you should be able to fill her up :)

Edited by LTmundie
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Once you place a tent you have to let the server go through one reboot cycle before putting anything in. That is what I have found on our server.

I've never cared enough to find out before now, but how can you tell if a server restarts without being online at the time of the restart?

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Check the rolling update thread, you should see Rocket and the team has done something about this.

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Thanks for all the info guys, I think my problem is loading my tent down with gear right after setting it up. Server restarts cleaning it out afterwards. I'll try and experiment with loading one up after I leave something inside for the tent to 'eat' and place other items in after that is gone. Maybe there will finally be a use for tin cans after all.

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