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Kicked by BattlEye after destroying small boat.

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Date/Time: July 27, 2012, 1pm

What happened: I was kicked by BattlEye for "Script restriction #35" after destroying a small boat with my Lee Enfield.

Where were you: Otmel

What you were doing: Trying to repair a small boat, which ended up being beached. I decided to destroy it with my Lee Enfield, which then lead to being kicked by BattlEye.

Current installed version:

Servers you were on: Dallas 69

Your system specs: I don't see how this changes things, but here (I'm on a laptop)

6GB RAM, Intel Core i7 @ 2.5ghz, AMD Radeon HD 6870m.

Timeline of events before/after error: Spawned on new character at Otmel, saw boat, ran to Elektro, got jerry can + lee enfield, ran back, fueled up boat, got in, turned out to be beached, decided to blow it up, got kicked.

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