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Looking for Serious West Coast Team/Players

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Mature, 24 year old, active-duty US Army guy here looking for a serious west coast based team to join. I am on PST time zone and mainly on the Seattle servers, but willing to migrate servers. I have Teamspeak, Skype and Steam with a working mic. Looking for groups of players to find/repair vehicles, set up and defend camps, go on scavenging raids and possible set up a trade outpost. I am very flexible and can fill any role well. I have all equipment except NVGs and GPS.

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I am interested I am trying to get as many hours in as possible but the game is hard to enjoy with no videocard. but just to say your motto has been used before.

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We have a few players for dayz @ our clan, most are online at later times in the day but we have a teamspeak and our own dayz server. You can join our teamspeak at ts.digirev.net and checkout our website at digirev.net

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I'm also a west coast player. Cali to be specific. I have no idea how to even go about picking the right server for me so lets link up and find one that I can stick to. I'm a newb by the way, but determined to do well. I've watched a ton of tutorial videos and read a bunch of threads already.

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add me on steam zyklon b tell me your forum id so i know whos adding. my name is Brendan i go by zyklon and get confused with masa so ether or is fine.

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