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Saving tents/bike/anythign else.

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Ok, so I was just wanting some clarity on this subject. If i find a bike or a tent and "save it" will it still be there if I die?

Say I have a bike, and somehow die, but I saved it in the woods and noboday has found it. Would it still be there after I respawn?

Same goes for cars/tents and all that good stuff.

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Yes but it its server bound and does not despawn when you log off. They are among the only persistant items in the game.

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It will be, where you saved it for 7 days after your death.

In that time circle you have to go to its´ hiding spot and interact with it again or it will disappear

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Tents are found in general stores usually. They can be found other places I believe though. Worth having if you actually decide to set up camp for a bit.

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Ok, so can I make my own tent? (no homo)

Or are they just randomly spawned?

Just make sure after you initially set up your tent you throw something in it thats expendable(Whiskey bottle, trash, ect) and save it there until the next server restart. Tents have been known to eat everything after the first set up and restart....in my experience.

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