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zenatsu (DayZ)

[BSB] Network Recruiting

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Well bad news on the new EU Redux server being launched as its delayed until further noticed.

None the less we are still recruiting all active DayZ players.

If you are interested in joining a mature gaming community with players from all over the world then head over to www.bsbnetwork.com.

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Thanks for that; I'll pass it on to our community members.

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Always looking to recruit new members,

if you are interested in joining BSB then go to www.BSBNetwork.com

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Our community partnership scheme has been officially launched today. The scheme is aimed towards other well established communities, clans, guilds and teams that share similar ideals as The BSB Network.

The idea is that we can work closer with other good communities of gamers and expand our gaming contacts and network. The hope is that we can better accommodate gamers within our community by having preferred "partner" clans/guilds/communities on various game titles, especially games that we don't have a support campaign for.

Obviously we are only targeting high quality communities/clans with this scheme to ensure our community members are accommodated as best as possible so we have some guidelines that we are looking to follow when appointing partners that include being 100% legitimate with a zero tolerance on cheating, being well established and stable and of course being managed by adults.

We are hoping that our partnership scheme is mutually beneficial to both The BSB Network and our partners, with us providing promotion and support from our website and the contacts within our community that are active within their game titles, and vice versa. Once established as a partner staff representatives of partner communities will be permitted to promote their communities on our forum and we will explore possibilities of further mutual projects.

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Hello from an old BSB member from the CS Source days back in 2003/4 was under the alias L_Plates, good to see BSB going strong still.


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Heya Dugie, good to see an old face here. Two in one day is good, I also had an old member contact me via an airsofting forum I use yesterday too! lol

Glad to see you made it over to the website again, looking forward to getting a few games in with you on Day Z.

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Countdown to the release of standalone! Come and get yourself inducted into one of our many fireteams and get a real feeling of safety in numbers.

If your interested then head over to www.BSBNetwork.com

Edited by J.D

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I jumped on last night, onto the TS3 DayZ channel but I was either being blanked or they can't hear me in game or something...

I'll give it another go tomorrow daytime.

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Sorry to hear that matey, keep trying and make sure you try a few of the different channels too as thEres usually a good number of people online. Might be an idea to give someone senior a poke too!

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Might be an idea to give someone senior a poke too!

No wine and dine? No chit-chat?

Yeah, I'll jump on tomorrow daytime for a long session. I'm sure I'll be able to get a response out of someone then!

edit; also - how is the TS laid out? Are the subchannels in the DayZ channel all in different servers or different teams in one server?

Edited by mzltv
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The TS server is laid our purely for groups to use, regardless of their servers. You will find that most groups are scattered across different servers, but this isnt always the case, sometimes they are on the same server and are either participating against another group in our BountyHunterZ event or they are just simply escaping one big channel with too many voices in it!

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Still here and enjoying Day Z as a community. One of the longest playing organised communities on Day Z, join us today @ www.bsbnetwork.com

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I jumped on last night, onto the TS3 DayZ channel but I was either being blanked or they can't hear me in game or something...

I'll give it another go tomorrow daytime.

Sorry that happened can rest assured you weren't intentionally ignored. Anyone that is interested in BSB or has any questions feel free to jump on our TS3 server and contact me, if it looks like I am in game with a group just use the poke feature and I will make time to come talk.

We are always looking for active DayZ players to bolster the strength of our presence in DayZ especially coming into stand alone release, if you are interested in the idea of support in DayZ mod and stand alone click the link below or jump on our TS and chill out with us.

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I joined the sight and I want to know how to sign up for a squad.

Hi mate, I've seen you ahve signed up to our forum, well done and welcome to our community. For more details onhow to get into a Fire Team you need to read this;


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Welcome to the wave of new faces!

The BSB Network is gearing up heavily for Day Z stand alone and in the meantime we've been playing various events such as The BSB Bounty HUnterZ and Hungry HIppo Battle Royale. Check us out to get invovled in this active and friendly community of fair gamers!


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Standalone campaign ready for launch, be part of our community and enjoy the game with other mature and legit gamers immediately upon release by simply getting involved on our Teamspeak server and our website wwww.bsbnetwork.com

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Always recruiting new members, come and see how it feels to play DayZ with a well organized community of players.

Sign up: www.bsbnetwork.com and jump on Teamspeak:

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hey guys, whats this about bounty hunter BOX mentioned to me?

Your name isnt familiar I;m not sure it was on our Bounty HunerZ list unless you have a different alias. Details on the last Bounty HunterZ list can be found at our website under the events menu. A new list of objectives will be released soon.

WWW.BSBNETWORK.COM - Always open to fair and mature gamers.

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