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Cans of spray paint for tagging.

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I don't know if the current ArmA 2 engine could support this, but it might be something cool for a future stand-alone release.

Basically, there should be random cans of spray paint that you could find in towns that would allow players to leave messages and symbols on buildings and objects for other players and friends.

This could be a useful (and hopefully not abused) method of communication on multiple levels.

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And that pretty much sums how how this idea would go...

Edited by Kruse

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and vaginas

no that would be gay

i mean painting a Penis is much more common

Like you look down see how it goes if you know

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Perhaps a way to eliminate the "penises" would be to have the spray cans enable a group of preset symbols and numbers. Granted there would still be people who would manage to fashion crude penis drawings, but maybe it would minimize the tempation.

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i like the idea of spray paint. maybe have it to where you can choose several different "images" that you can spray on a wall. i.e. arrows or common words like "safe house" or "danger" or stuff like that.

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i like the idea of spray paint. maybe have it to where you can choose several different "images" that you can spray on a wall. i.e. arrows or common words like "safe house" or "danger" or stuff like that.

Yeah, exactly.

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Quoting someone else doesn't make you funny. Stop clogging up the thread! And vaginas are very difficult to draw recognisably.

The big question is how would this work? I can think of a few ways:

1. Pre-made letters and symbol images used as sprites.

2. A brush that lays down many small circular sprites in a free-form pattern.

3. A vector-based system that builds sprite images from the vectors drawn by the player.

4. The image created by method 2 is imported to the image for that surface texture instead of using sprites.

I like the idea of actually replacing the textures with the graffitied versions, that way there is no limitation on the amount of paint that could be used, but depending on how the objects are texture-mapped it could take a lot of work to make every object paintable in this way. The method would work by deciphering which polygon the player is aiming at, find the corresponding section of the texture and its orientation, then tracking the player's brush movement and converting to the correct direction for drawing directly to that part of the texture. A copy of the original textures would be stored for graffiti removal.

Edited by Ollox
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I would love to go to random buildings and pain "leave now or die" on the outside. Being able to get a red paint can and paint it like blood. "No Escape" would work well too. I support this idea, but it might work better and be easier to code if it was free form drawing with paint. I can put up with the penises in order to draw and write other stuff on buildings.


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People draw penises, swastikas and write dumb shit like "SAM WOZ ERE!" in real life so I don't see what that has to do with anything. We'd get some pretty cool art from talented people too.

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i have recently been thinking about this alot and i think its a greate idear

yes there would be alot of penis's but i think there would be alot in real life aswell, just a few pros/uses could be

  • you could use it to find your base, by like say putting a line or so on a tree and you will know like at the yellow line walk 5 mins east and so on, so help navagating
  • you could spay everyone in your teams leg or arm so you could identify friend easier, because as it is its quite hard to tell friend from foe
  • if you had a white car with a few cans it could be sprayed a diffrent colour or colours
  • and people want weapon customisation why not just give it a sweet paint job?
  • when you find i tent you could just spay it or write somthing on it, so that would make it a bit creepy

so basicly endless possibilties and i gess downside, dicks everywhere

but i think it would be sweet :)

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There's no real use for it. If you put a huge sing "DON'T COME IN HERE", do you think they're gonna be frightened or even more likely to go in there?

Actually, I know one good use: You could go mug someone with hatchets, drag his body and draw a penis on his face.

Edited by Sutinen

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