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Chuck L.

Help with Tents

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Could someone please explain to me how to set up a tent. Everytime I try to set it up it says ground needs to be clear and flat and I've tryed to set it up in the middle of a damn field. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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go somewhere, hit g, then pitch tent, doesn't work, don't close inventory, just hit s so you make a little step back, pitch tent, repeat until it works

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The trick to placing a tent is this:

1) Open your gear

2) Click "Pitch Tent"

3) Move slightly (with gear menu still open)

4) Click "Pitch Tent"

The key is that you just move slightly around each time, an inch or two, and try to place it again. After enough attempts the tent will place, even though you're practically in the same spot you started.

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Ok thanks guys I appreciate it. Man what a pain in the butt.

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I'll try this later when I get home. It was driving me nuts yesterday.

Does it have to be a pretty flat and open area or does the game just hate pitching tents?

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