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Why does everyone want me dead?

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Atleast you weren't killed by a hacker, me and my friend were playing on our own with a hacker called sampson and were 2 km from eachother and we were both shot in a difference of 5 seconds, he was in the north west airfield I was in stary whey it said "Lemar" has died I was shit! and then my friend said on skype "I was shot by sampson, the guy appeared behind me in the top floor of the fire station when I facing the stairs I thought "He was seen and then shot and didn't want to admit it when all of a sudden I turned around out of a building and standing in the doorway was either a zombie dressed as a survivor or sampson I fired my m9-sd twice into his head with no reaction and then I dived in the room pulled out my m14 shot him twice more with him just standing there and then he shot me once in the arm and I died

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Everyone is a dick in this game.

just tried helping a dude being chassed by a town full of zombies. he spots me..ignores the zombies..kills me...

he is then killed by the 30 or so zombies chasing him...whatta dweeb.

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Hey man if you want to team up sometime I would be willing I don't Shoot on site it's got me killed a few times but hey that's not the way I want to play I like team work.

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The only time I murdered someone was in self defense. I ran into three friendlys in elektro. Was afraid at first and was aiming down sights with 1911. When they came in building I was in I attempted to run away after hearing they were friendly. Didn't wanna loose my 1911/lee. So I ran to the fire station. There I saw two people climbing the ladder. When I asked who was climbing the ladder I heard one say hurry up climb. I knew there they were bandits. Reassuring myself the friendlys told me they were getting shit at. So with three-four Zelds on my tail I ran around the building watching the bandits watch me. Went back to the previous building and saw the friendlys in the hospital. So my curiosity in the end got me killed. After hearing the friendlys were heading to the coast I stayed back and was waiting for these bandits. One showed up on the roof and my stupid self did ingame voice asking if the friendlys wanted me to kill him. He heard me and crawled back and hid. So I waited and someone appeared on the open roof top looking down at the road. Took out the lee and aimed just below his neck and fired. Instant kill! I was pumped! First murder and in defense out of fear of my death. So then I wanted his gear, or at least see what he had. When I ran outside to get there I got lit up and just as I made it behind a corner I fell and was killed. Next time I will have more patience. I should have known there was more but wanted to move too soon.

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