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Losing the zombies

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Quick question from a newb. What method do you guys use to out-run zombies? I spend my entire time crawling through towns (and electrko) because im terrified of aggroing zombies. The seem to follow you forever and just aggro more while you are running. sometimes i can lose them for a quick second (LOS) and prone. But sometimes this doesn't work at all.

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Try to zig zag up a hill, they will lose you. Also, running around two corners and going prone works. You can also run and go prone in cover (Bush, tree, etc).

Hope this helps :)

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In towns I run through buildings, in the forrest I zig zag through the trees to break line of site.

Or I just shoot them.

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Running around a single bush and crouch running should do the trick, unless they zig-zag at the perfect time and don't pass right through the middle of it. Also running around buildings and/or getting them stuck indoors, where they can only walk instead of run.

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Stay out of town until you can find a hatchet from a barn or a shack. As of the current patch, if you are not running and are not in front of a zombie, he probably will not see you. As others have said elsewhere though, run into a building with two entrances (like a barn). Go in one side, wait for the zombie to enter and go into walk mode, then run out the other door.

Get yourself a hatchet though and you can kill any agroes :P

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