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Transmit kill data to nearby players

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First I have to say that I love Day Z, this is my first post on the forum and I haven't actually played for that long. Keep it up, devs!

I did a search for identification first and there were a lot of suggestions for that already; then I searched for transmit and nothing came up (yes I know, it might be worded differently).

Quick summary of the suggestion:

Being able to transmit your kills (zombies/bandits/murders) in the local chat will help survivors identify each other for the purpose of teaming up and playing together.


  • The current meta game is to shoot first, ask questions later. The reason for this is because it's totally impossible to know if someone is a bandit or not, and compared to the real world, there are no real moral issues or repercussions for murdering someone (or being killed for that matter, which adds to the gung ho attitude of some players, especially the ones who don't have that good gear yet).
  • Some players want to play as bandits, a few as medics, some want to hunt bandits and then there are those who just want to survive. Currently the only form of play that is more or less fully supported is to play as a bandit.
  • The separate bandit skin that was used before was too revealing and automatic, and removed some of the excitement. However, having no way to identify a bandit is what creates the current meta game.


  • By the press of a key a player can transmit in the chat, an automatically generated message which states how many kills the player have.
  • If possible, it should transmit all kills on the current character, as well as all kills total in the history of the CD-key (so that newly spawned players also can identify themselves to others, if they chose).
  • If possible, it should also include days lived for the current character (also helps other players to make a conclusion about the player's intentions.
  • If possible, when a player chose to transmit his info, his name tag should show up (just the name tag) above his head, visible only to those who are within distance to see the chat message (so that you know that the player you're looking at is actually the one transmitting the info).


This is what other players would see if I transmit my information (totally made up numbers, I have no clue what my figures are):

  • Saxit: I have lived for 6 days and killed 83 Zombies, 5 Bandits and 2 Survivors. Total is 192 Zombies, 15 Bandits and 6 Survivors.

Estimated Result:

  • Since you have to be within range of a player to identify yourself in this way, and since it's totally optional to do so, it will still be exciting to meet new players (especially at range), while it gives players a tool to cooperate. Hopefully this could change the meta into "ask first, then shoot them if they don't answer (or if you don't like the answer)" while if you're a bandit it will still be "just shoot".
  • It will help creating an environment where you actually have "bandits and survivors" and not just "bandits, because you have to".

Potential Problems:

  • Chatting on the open channel will of course potentially reveal your presence to a 3rd party.
  • The system still favors bandits because they don't care about how nice/hostile other players are anyways, they just shoot on sight.
  • Announcing total lifetime kills is potentially problematic if you want to change your style from being a bandit to a good guy. It also doesn't help you if you meet a guy who transmits that he never killed a survivor ever, then shoots you in the face because he just decided he wants to become a bandit...

Additional Ideas:

  • It would be really nice if there was a counter for "Treated X unique players with Y" where Y is blood packs, bandage, morphine, etc (preferably one counter for each type). Then this information could also be transmitted in the auto-generated message, which would make it much easier for the medics out there.
  • There could be a second transmit option which would transmit "Friendly!", if you have less than X murders, to all nearby players who also have less than X murders. I think it might be bit too easy though.

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I actually like this, it could use some tweaks, but its good

What would you tweak? :)

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