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Clutch (DayZ)

Cruel Banditry on the =Dotal= Clan

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This goes out to the poor old =Dotal= clan. US9499 - 11:35PM (+10)

So after rolling cherno all day, with constant respawns, deaths and attempts at survival it came my time.

A poor soul on the roof of the refinery who tasted my Enfield, upon looting his body I realised he had an AS50, M249 and all equipment... I was set.

I entered this server with my fellow clan member as we planned to get him to my level.

I picked a spot out the far back (NW) perched on a hill looking over cherno and basically all rooftops.

It all started upon spawning to sounds of DMR's, M24's and multiple assault rifles.

It then ended with single clean shots. 1 in the refinery, 1 at the apartments, 2 on the hospital roof.... I started to lose count.

After basically having murdered every member of their clan with shots ranging from 700 - 800 meters, it resulted in a tally starting from 0 ending on 12 murders and 1 bandit kill.

When they all started to respawn over and over again to player kill and hunt my position, i felt it was my place to leave.

Needless to say I'm happy with the result as is my scout Pinchh, and I'm not by any means sorry.

-CiC- C#*ts in Cherno Live on.

-CiC- Clutch out...

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