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How I pwned 6 clanned bandits.

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6 bandits were sniping at me from a hill (they were all a clan or something). I shot back which attracted all the zombies. So I ran up the hill with a hoard of zombies behind me, they didnt notice me circle around them so I surprised them by killing half of them before they knew what happened (God I love my Winchester). I just kept on running and the zombies took care of the other 3 who were freaking the fuck out. Came back, looted the corpses and got the best gear in the game. Thanks assholes!

Moral of the story: Don't ever shoot at me.

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Unless youre like me, and always shit at capturing the best moments


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Regardless if you believe me or not, at least take the tactic of running a hoard of zombies into the shit heads and see how they like that. Use trees so they can't see you coming. The clan tag was like -|o|- or something I dunno. Still my best experience bandit killing yet.

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