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Armed / Armored / Silent Zombies

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Along the regular stock of zombies, there could be additional few can be armed with melee weapons like - wooden clubs, pipes, wrenches, rakes or human limbs. Their speed will be reduced slightly due to weight of their weapons. Giving you chance to outrun them. But they will be able to knock you out with single hit.

Armed zombies will be more difficult to kill. Zombie with body armor, like policeman with kevlar vest will be able to withstand several hits in torso. Helmet can take two-three shots with pistol. So military zombies will be like walking tanks - only assault weapons with no less that 5.56 caliber will be able to put them down effectively.

Also it can be combined - armed with pipe, soldier zombie (helmet and vest) wold be the slowest and most dangerous kind of them in close contact.

Regarding noise. Some kinds of zombies can be much more silent. Suits and other well dressed zombies could be most silent and skip screaming and growling due to their developed culture and discipline in their past lives. That will make them much more sophisticated hunters. Forcing survivors to trust on their eyes and paranoia, and not ears.

Hunting packs of zombie German Shepards definitely would provide you with additional pain and fear. Be sure to tell them apart, before you will decide to befriend one.


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I dislike the idea of being one-hit K.O.'d by a Zombie, but I do support the idea of adding more diverse zombies to DayZ. Right now all we have is farmers and some businessmen, and most of the time they all look the same.

+1 for Armoured Zombies and more Zombie Skins

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Although I like the idea of the body armor functioning on military zombies, I think your ideas either go a bit too far, or you do not know all the caliber rounds ingame.


That's the AK74 and the variants used cartridge size. Did you factor that in?

Anyhow, armored zombies, albeit not to the degree you suggest, would be cool. But I have advocated in the past for an upgrade in zombie health.

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I say no to the whole zombie wielding weapons. Its suppose to be infected humans with simple body mechanics is all that is left that the body can register. Now I would like to see Infected Military Personnel that are wearing armor plating that are harder to kill.

Edited by killashrub

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