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Enemy11 (DayZ)

Server not appearing in the server list ingame

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I restarted the server an hour ago and it hasn't shown on the ingame server list since. Another issue we've noticed is that the ping for certain regions has noticeably increased while remaining the same for other regions(for our US players their ping has doubled, for EU players the ping remained the same and for AUS players the ping increased by 30%)

This is the server info: (the 6 players are clanmates who were able to see the server through dayz commander, they were also not able to see it in the ingame launcher)


What could be the issue here?

Edited by Enemy11

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okay so i found that server with dayZ commander by unchecking the boxes for both "Hide Wrong Arma Version" "Hide Unresponsive" (after I removed all filter settings to make sure)

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okay so i found that server with dayZ commander by unchecking the boxes for both "Hide Wrong Arma Version" "Hide Unresponsive" (after I removed all filter settings to make sure)

The issue is it doesnt appear in the ingame list, even with all filters off.

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well the in game list is very basic and your server doesnt seem to be very "responsive" :)

I know that lots of servers will show in Six or Commander (the latter is far superior) that will not show in the games server browser.

Edited by J-Hat

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