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Orlyy (DayZ)

LFG, or something.

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So I've been playing for a while now, and it's come to a point to where even if I am helping someone whom is out of ammo or anything really, the moment they get a gun I'm dead, but I don't really care that much, it's apart of the game. But, it is an annoyance. However, I haven't posted here yet, just because finding someone in game whom you can 'trust' just to me at least, added depth to the game, rather than finding someone here, but. It's looking to be if I actually want someone who isn't going to be a dick the moment they have the chance, I need to look here.

*Edit* 22, haven't played long really. Have about 20 hours logged total, I'm CST. I typically play early in the AM 8-12, go to work come and typically play again around 7 or 8, depending. I do have skype, as well as a mic.

Edited by Orlyy

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You might want to put down some information about yourself, like age, timezone, when you play, etc. It helps people who are online when you are and have a similar mind set as you find you and play with you.

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