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Random Skill Sets

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OK, with the news that choppers are on the way back, it got me thinking. In real life I only know two of my mates who can fly a chopper, I know two that can properly set a broken bone and one guy that could refit an engine in a car or truck. I don't know anyone that could butcher an animal for food and I know I couldn't run for 15 miles without stopping :D

So, how about introducing completely random skill sets for each character. At each spawn, a RNG would allocate skill points to certain skills, allowing you to do some things and not others:

  • Pilot Skill - Allows you to fly helicopters
  • Mechanic Skill - Allows you to carry out advanced repairs to vehicles (everyone should still be able to change a tyre)
  • Medic Skill - Allows you to permanently fix broken bones and carry out blood transfusions - morphine would only be a temporary fix for a fracture.
  • Hunter - Allows you to get more meat from a butchered animal and allows you to move with less noise
  • Athlete - Allows you to run faster and longer for your current water/food level
  • Weapon Specialist - allows you to recombine ammo
  • Soldier - damage increase (each talent for each weapon), hp increase, accuracy increase, etc (RapturJesus)

Now, not only would this stop every single person on the server from running to get a chopper and kill everyone in the way, but it would also enhance team work and make you think twice before shooting a survivor - what if he is a medic and you need blood? You could be low on ammo and he could be a Weapons Specialist and sort you out.

Skills would reset only on death, not on respawn, so no-one could continually try to break bones to respawn and get the coveted chopper pilot skill, and would be truly random, hell you may end up with all of them or none, just like people in real life.

Could add another layer to an already deep and rich game, what do you think? Any other classes/restrictions that could be added?

Edited by {SAS}DocStone
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I like the skill tree idea but not in the way your propose.

My Idea...

Engineer - Easier to drive vehicles, ability to fix vehicles, ability to store more engineer type equipment in bag, ability to store more in cars, etc

Hunter - ability to run faster, ability to run longer, ability to create fire, gut animals, cook meat, increased damage for crossbow, ability to go longer without food/water, etc

Soldier - damage increase (each talent for each weapon), hp increase, accuracy increase, etc

Medic - ability to give transfusions, faster bandanging, faster medical anything, ability to give transfusion to self, etc

To unlock each talent would require a set number of points. Ex. 250 zombie kills would equal one point in which you could unlock or upgrade a talent.

Also it would be a talent tree system. Meaning 1 unlocks 4 and 5. While 2 unlocks 3.

All talents reset upon death.

I don't mean to undermine your thread. This is just my idea. You some good ideas too. I think adding this element would mean for more cooperation. In real life if a party member needed attention you couldn't just give him blood. You would probably have to find a doctor.

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I like this idea, the randomness of these skills seem like a fair way to distribute them around, rather than everyone being a chopper pilot. (Wich would be kinda stupid, even if choppers do come back, they won't be growin' on trees)

Still, i think i personally would've liked something like Project Zomboid's skill system better. You have zero skill points, and can only get beneficial skills by also picking a handicap of sorts.

Say you want to fly a chopper, then maybe you would also have to be a terrible athlete? Just as an example, but you would need some, if not more, disadvantages to get an advantage.

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I wanted to stay away from a skill tree with points as such, after all if the zombie apocalypse comes you are stuck with the skill set you have at the time and the chances of getting flying lessons or medic training would be few and far between, so you are stuck with your skill set and you have to make the most of it.

If you spawn with medic skills, then if you encounter more survivors the first thing you shout now becomes "I'm a medic, I'm a medic" rather than "Don't shoot, I'm a friendly"". It also adds that edge to the game, what if one of your party respawns and is a Medic and a Weapon Specialist, do you really need the stand alone medic in your group now? :D

Make it random, make it set in stone, and keep unlocks and skill trees to RPGs. I do like the added "Soldier" class though, will add in my original post ;)

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