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Six Launcher and DayZ commander glitchy

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Am I the only one who has these constant issues with these launcher?

Some days they work fine and others they keep shutting down and windows says "So and So has stopped working", before it has even loaded up or it will load up and will shut down after being open for a while.

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I don't bother.

Manual install is very easy. And when something goes wrong or methodology changes, I can react more knowledgeably because I know what happened or what changed.

I think that launchers just add another layer to things that can go wrong. And when you insulate yourself from a process, you have decided that you don't want to understand it.

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Never happend me before, are you launching them with Administrator rights?

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Never happend me before, are you launching them with Administrator rights?

Yeah I am, It's working okay now though, I've been using DayZ commander as being able to see what time it is on the server helps a great deal lol, just had

to restart my computer after updating Arma II, that seemed to be the issue.

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Both programs cause me to crash as soon the multiplayer setup / lobby loads. No issues when starting DayZ manually though.

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