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Bailey (DayZ)

Happy to die?

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Alright so I was camping the barracks and what not scoreing some good loot. 37 days survived NVG goggles,L85, All the good items. Then I got into a gunfight at the barracks on a server I entered. I managed to kill the guy but he droped my HP to 3000. I had no friend to patch me up all no cooked meat. So I logged out for atleast a day. I came online and just went to the barracks again. Here i accidently alerted a zambie which chased me into the woods (South barracks) Then he hit me so i turned around and killed him. I checked my inventory and realised I had no bandages or anything to stop the bleeding. I realised that i'm screw. But I wanted to go out in style so I sprinted into the big airstrip plane taking off thing and just started fireing into the air and vaulting around randomly untill I passed out and died. But for some reason I was really happy and couldn't stop smiling. I should have been angry as hell but I just felt so good and happy! Could it be that I get to start again from the bottom? Could it be that im 12 and don't really give a dam? I dont know but ive already restarted and scored a SVD camp NVG's Rangefinder and M9 silenced. I Just don't care if I die anymore and I think that *that* is a pretty good thing to know?

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You were happy as you realised upon death that you no longer had to worry about losing all that gear. When you were alive you were probably attached to it. I get the same feeling most of the time upon death as starting out as a fresh spawn feels pretty damn good (when your not being killed by fully decked out faggots camping tree lines at the shore for fresh spawns to kill).

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That warms my heart. Have some beans.

And i think of it this way, when you play DayZ, every life is a story. When you die, you get to hear a brand new story! :D

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day 32 here,

played the game since player count was only 50k, on 5 respawns total.

i know exactly how you feel.there aint no way in hell im going to the major cities until i die, (lone wolf), so while im off in the woods somewhere, miles from anyone, i think alot about where im going to go when i do finally lose this character.

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You were happy as you realised upon death that you no longer had to worry about losing all that gear.

That is some zen shit. The things you own end up owning you.

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