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Join with 50-80 ping, kicked with 340

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Hey! First post a troubleshooting post?? Who'd have thought it!

Yeah I'm from UK and I only join UK servers. On 6launcher I ping my favourites at between 50-100 and its fine.

I play for about 5-10 mins - still between 50-100.

Out of nowhere, Battleye: you were kicked for high ping 340.

The troubleshooting:

Full reinstall - no luck

Reinstall of battleye - no luck.

None of my other games are affected by ping spikes - even Eve online where the connection drops if you so much as sneeze on your router cable from 50 feet away

speedtest is fine. This only started happening after the last patch so this leads me to believe that something has gone awry - the thing is I see a lot of people not affected by it

and I see a few threads on here that have gone largely ignored with the same problem.

So what do the people who dont have this problem do that is different to people who do have this problem?

Speculation? Fixes? Ideas? Wait for next patch? Battleye team are all faggots?

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I suggest you open a command prompt and run a continues ping to the server you are currently connected to.

ping 'server ip' -t

Or if you want to get fancy and log it to a file

ping 'server ip' -t > c:\pinglog.txt

This would then tell you if you really had a high ping to the server or if the server is just being a douche.

You might also want to run a trace to the server : tracert 'server ip'

And see at what hop the ping spikes and thus identify where the problem exactly is in the route from you to the server.

Edited by Randal
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ah good thinking. Next time I play i'll leave it outputting to a logfile then I'll update this thread.

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I left it pinging while I was playing, played for about half an hour - pinged at 49. Pinged between 49 and 50 constantly no problem.

Started my livestream, Ping rose to 70, as expected no problems there, played for another half hour dicking about in cherno - no problems at all.

Ran tracert and none of the hops pinged more than 70. I think 2 pings out of the entire hours worth of pinging timed out - didnt even drop connection, didnt get kicked.

One thing that was wierd though, I dropped to the lobby and it gave me a ping of 322 - dangerously close to being kicked, but my ping command prompt that was ticking away with its pings never rose above 70.

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The pings displayed in-game or in the lobby are highly inaccurate from my experience (as both a player and server owner).

Seems you're all good for now, just do the same when you see trouble arise and that should clue you in on the issue.

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Well my guess is that maybe something was wierd after Arma2 patched, maybe it didnt patch properly or battleeye didnt update properly, something else was changed and 6updater caught it, and I didnt notice any of this.

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Can be all sorts of things, i know there was some problems with a large Danish ISP and their connection to several large datacenters in the past few days causing irratic pings, so perhaps a similar issue has plagued you.

But for now you seem good, if it happens again just let me know and we could probably run some test between your client and my server for example.

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