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New to the game. Need a squad

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So. I am pretty new to the game, It seems alright, But with no team mates the game seems boring after awhile. So I'm just looking for someone to join up with me and show me the ropes. Thanks!

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What time zone are you in and what sort of play times are you looking at :)

I'm in eastern time zone. I play whenever people want me to play normal. Some times involuntary xD
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tutorial is a good way to be introduced to the game. Learn the mechanics and how different guns are for each user.

I know the simples. I just need help with map coordination/squad coordination

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I am recruiting for a militia. We have a good amount of weapons, food, and vehicles. if you are interested my skype name is OFhooligan24. We can take you in.

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hey hooligan ive been playing for a while and ive got some good items but looking for some people to play with more often, what is your time zone?

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We got a group going called the anti-bandits if you'd like to join us. Our only policy is that you do not shoot people without due cause. Check the link below if interested. If no admin is currently online. Feel free to add "Easy" Pete on steam (the guy with the coolgabe pic).

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:


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Hey Guys,

I am new in DayZ too and I search a squad either.

I am in western europe.

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I am recruiting for a militia. We have a good amount of weapons, food, and vehicles. if you are interested my skype name is OFhooligan24. We can take you in.

can u recruit me? im all alone :( with beanz :beans: pls :) im sick of bandits

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I am recruiting for a militia. We have a good amount of weapons, food, and vehicles. if you are interested my skype name is OFhooligan24. We can take you in.

ill add you on skype

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Hey, kinda new to the game, been looking for a new group of people to play with (my gaming clan is really just burning me out, don't get along at all anymore with them) so if desired I'll join. :)

Anyone pm me or I'll add skypes

btw, I'm 19

Edited by burningxdemise

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Hey cmphela / Guys,

We are not bandits but we are not in the business of getting face stomped by other teams either. We go by the rules avoid if possible engage if target or situation requires action.

I am part of a small gaming community who does not have current members interested in Day Z. I have already picked up a few players and would like to bring in enough to have a few small groups who play Day Z consistently. We have forums, a mumble server and a website. We have a mature no douche policy and community who choose it members, we work together. Contact me at any of the info below.

In-game name: Apex

Skype: Arithor.ck

Steam: Arithor


Edited by arithor

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