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Looking for a new team

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Hello all! I am looking for a team willing to play on one server( to set up a base ) and play night AND day. I already have a server picked out but compromises can be made based on location and varying pings. Would like to get a consistent team of 5+ guys to start off and maybe we can look to expand :D.


Please be atleast 16+ or have a sexy voice...

Seriousness when needed but the ability to play around time to time...

Does not complain when lost / died...

No excessive cussing...


Still have yet to choose a good place to begin the building of base so we can decide together aswell


Would like to use skype in the mean time! Please add me as flyslasherxlolypop thank you ;)

Edited by PandaDragonThing

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I am recruiting for my militia. we have a wide range of skilled players, weapons, food, drinks, and vehicles. If you are interested we can take you in, my skype name is OFhooligan24.

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