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Trading: nvg+gps+rangefinder for tent

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Hey, I've extra pairs of these fine items, but nowhere to store them in. If you're interested, please send me a PM or /q SINFULSEBASTIAN on qnet. Thanks!

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I've sent you a pm. As a "too good to be true" offer i hope you understand my requests.

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Ben is interested but haven't seen him in 18 hours, so willing to hear if there's anybody else out there, I really need that tent...

Willing to throw in two (2) empty water bottles to seal the deal!

e: Never mind, did the trade with Ben after all!

Edited by Sinfulsebastian
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Just completed the trade successfully. Met at the railway bridge west of Kamenka. Sinfulsebastian sent his friend who was unarmed to meet me. We met with a salute before he took the tent from my bag then put the traded items in. We saluted, and ran off the bridge in different directions.

And now i'm happy as i have gps and nvg's back :D

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