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Maniac Laughing in VOIP

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So earlier today I was near Balota or whatever, and I found a dead body. So I'm like ugh, dude here spawn killing, better watch out.

So I find another spot where i hear flies, then another.

I run inside this warehouse and start looking around, and then I hear flies AGAIN.

Then it happens.

I hear over the close range VOIP someone, obviously sick in the head, grunting into the microphone. Then, he starts laughing, 1980s horror movie style.

I was apparently within mere meters of someone from The Hills Have Eyes.

Needless to say, i logged, wrote a post about how scared I was on facebook, and then watched a movie in my living room.

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I bet you were the guy laughing!

Edited by Knightowl

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Aw come on! You logged?!?! The story isnt even worth posting because of that.

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Aw come on! You logged?!?! The story isnt even worth posting because of that.

I actually went north of Balota and found a boar, then cut him up. I didnt grab the steaks off the body, and that pissed me off. Then I got lost again, because I have 0 sense of direction, and I went to ear Spaghetti.

But the original way I presented the story flowed better.

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Actually, I think it is. There's a difference between logging to save yourself and logging because you were so freaked out. I had a friend who played F.E.A.R when he was 10 and got to a part where he was in a long hallway and all the lights turned off and he started to hear things. He was so scared he immediately quit the game, uninstalled it, put the disk in its box and threw it out the window.

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Reminds me of the best VOIP abuse I've ever seen in DayZ. If you gonna do it, do it right!

Edited by Box

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Reminds me of the best VOIP abuse I've ever seen in DayZ. If you gonna do it, do it right!


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