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New players don't want a negative experience of Dayz!

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Do we have to care about the new players here? C'mon. Survivor is survivor. A bullet is a bullet. One dead is a dead, a respawn is a frikkin' respawn. Get over it, we all had the same problem at the beginning, don't we? (;

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tl;dr If the game is too hard you are just too weak. If you want a participation award, take up playing pee-wee football.

If I want something hardcore, I will go to Russian embassy, become Russian citizen, and spend one year in army with real weapons and real people.

Your ranting about game difficulty and making of the winners is pathetic. It's just a game, the only result will be the amount of time you spend on certain amount of 1s and 0s. If you think that beating "hardcore" game is really important IRL, I feel sorry for you and your imaginary child.

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well then the game is not for them. no babysitting. spoon feeding and handholding. I LOVE IT.

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well then the game is not for them. no babysitting. spoon feeding and handholding. I LOVE IT.

You have my beans. +1

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Three day noob here and I'm loving it.

I didn't even look at a single guide before logging in and immediately regretted it. Then I went and watched Sacriel's beginner video which explained the interface and it got much easier the second time round. I still died horribly many times though and eventually caved and looked at a map - maybe twice haven't looked again since because I feel it ruins some of the suspense. Finally on my last character I accidentally wandered into Electro (sp?) without realising, I just saw a church in the distance and thought it looked cool. Somehow managed to raid most of the buildings without drawing any zombie aggro or other players until I finally got cocky and had to battle a huge horde after crouch running to the station. After much frantic running I finally made it onto the roof via the side ladders (somehow missed the internal staircase) where I hid out until zombie aggro dropped and I remembered the smoke grenade in my bag. Threw that to distract nearby zeds and made a run for it.

Eventually found some power lines in the forest and decided to follow them and ended up in an all out fire fight with two strangers after I accidentally shot one of them thinking it he was a zed. Died horribly but respawned and explained it was an accident. They came and met up with me and gave me some of my gear back. Not all of it which seemed fair given the circumstances, just enough to survive and we proceeded to play together for a few hours before I realised I had to go to sleep or I'd miss work.

There's no moral to this story really other than to say play more and practice and things get better. So far I haven't met any bandits or had a lot of the nightmare games that new players complain about but I know it's coming and I'll just suck it up and chalk it up to experience. Although I really wish they'd re-enable respawn but after reading some forum threads about people abusing it to get better spawn points and gear I can see why it needed change just maybe not so extreme as to remove it.

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If I want something hardcore, I will go to Russian embassy, become Russian citizen, and spend one year in army with real weapons and real people.

Russian soldiers are getting real weapons now? I thought like 8 soldiers had to share 1 gun? :)

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I should have just said "good player" or "bad player" so that all this nonsensical, utterly superfluous hair splitting could have been avoided.

My post was "not that bad" because I didn't "describe myself using militaristic sounding words".

I agree with that. No, you didn't describe yourself as being awesome or hardcore or some 'silent sniper', so I have no qualms about that. I was more upset about the whole vibe in this 'new player' forum and probably extrapolated your words a bit more than I should have.

I was just a bit irritated about all of the posts I see on here about how the players on here that do well acting like they are some hardcore soldier because they play a more difficult game than call of duty, and the players that don't do well just suck at life, and I jumped on your wording calling a player weak. As long as we can agree that weak describes a players performance in the game and not so much their general attitude towards life, I'm cool with that.

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So you cheated that 'alone in the world feeling'? So basically you failed and had to resort to the internett. My point exactly!

So give people a gun when they spawn and they will avoid using the internet, thats your point? Or do you want them to spawn with a gun and a map so they avoid the internet? By this logic we should give them a Alice pack full of food so they don't go on the internet and find out where the best places are to locate them. Opinion of what a bad experience is different from person to person, some people what a challenge right out the door. Other prefer their hands held for the first 30 minutes of gameplay. I've got no problem with players getting a pistol on their first spawn. I do think they'll complain when they run around shooting it, die, then respawn with no gun. In the long run however they should spawn with nothing, the main goal of playing is to find what you need to survive. People who cannot overcome the first hurdle of spawning without a gun picked the wrong game sadly. You can outrun more zombies then you can shoot. Spawning with nothing is what adds gravity to your death. You finally lose everything, the main thing that keeps people from offing themselves when they're in a bad situation is that they know they'll have nothing on respawn.

Edited by LastShenanigan

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I've got no problem with players getting a pistol on their first spawn. I do think they'll complain when they run around shooting it, die, then respawn with no gun.

I think the problem with spawning with a makarov was that people were using it to kill the first person they saw to take the better gun they had, not to kill zombies. Why spend all that time looking for loot when you can just pop the first survivor you see thats been in the game for 30 minutes longer, has a double barrel and a watch?

If everyone used a makarov to pop the slow moving zombies in the head when they were chased into a building, then I would say sure, start with a gun. Unfortunately, from what I heard, it was "Deathmatch: Coastal Spawn", and thats why it was taken out.

Not sure I can say it helped though. I came into the game at, after starting guns were taken out. Its still a massive shoot on sight party, the only players abstaining are those who have no choice. I still don't see a lot of teaming up at the spawn points.

At this point, with the pistol nerfs, it doesn't much matter. You're never going to kill a geared player with a makarov unless they're looting and you pop them in the head from 3 feet away.

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If new players are not willing to learn this steep learning curve then let them go back to the other 99% of games that holds your hand, end of.

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