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Bears! And Wolves!

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Diction is gonna love this


Have you ever been in the wilderness, all alone, nothing to unload your sweet akm or winchester on. Well now you can (if the developers add BEARS).

Bears can be hostile or gentile depending on which species or which time of the day.

The weather or possibly later on in development the seasons, would also affect the bears attitude. When i am running through the woods i feel as safe as a virgin. Bears would make it so you must be alert, and afraid really 24/7 while playing this game, and it would make it more realistic.


Think about it.

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Somebody call the PETA!

Animals in modern world is a rarity to find outside other than birds, cats and dogs. (And cows, horses, sheep, pigs in farmlands)

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where do you live?



See like no animals ever other than birds, cats and dogs (pets)

and the occasional farmanimals roaming their lands.

Ohhh yeah sometimes deers.

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