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Diction is gonna love this :D


Have you ever been in the wilderness, all alone, nothing to unload your sweet akm or winchester on. Well now you can (if the developers add BEARS).

Bears can be hostile or gentile depending on which species or which time of the day.

The weather or possibly later on in development the seasons, would also affect the bears attitude. When i am running through the woods i feel as safe as a virgin. Bears would make it so you must be alert, and afraid really 24/7 while playing this game, and it would make it more realistic.


Think about it.

wrong topic, just moved

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i get the feeling that 90% of the people making suggestions for this game have 0 familiarity with the arma engine and its limitations... they talk as if rocket built this whole thing from the ground up, like the "MAEK ALL DA BUILDINGS ENTERABLE" thread and so on

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Drop bears exist, they are more frequent than bandits in elektro.

They are watching.... Waiting....

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Instead of bears there should be TaunTauns; they could be killed and gutted and then used to keep warm (now that we have the annoying temperature index).

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