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words from an experienced DAYZ survivor

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So I started playing back months ago when DayZ was first released on a single NZ server. It has transformed so much since then, I probably am making it sound like it was "long long ago" but it feels like it was, especially with as many hours as I've put into this mod.

Lets get down to the reason I decided to come here, what inspired me to write this?

I WAS MURDERED, again, and it was awesome! I can say that I am obviously bummed out about loosing yet another set of gear I spent hours gathering, especially my nvg's. But its ok, because prior to my death i made the decision to go and hunt some people. I was bored with just surviving, gathering and hoarding at our base camp...its ridiculous really how much we have. It sad really.

Anyways, i decided i would go hunt some people...screw it. Put my gear on the line and have some fun, So I did exactly that. I stalked my prey, watching there flashlights and flares for a good 15 minutes before getting close enough to make sure I was within 300 m (My nvg was useless due to the amount of flares they had popped). The entire time my adrenaline is pumping, its amazing how much adrenaline this game gets going. Its addictive, and yet so brutal.

I pull the trigger and fire 5 rounds killing my first victim. Kill

I find another survivor, fire a few rounds...he turned out to be a ALT F4 Ranger. hooah

I find ANOTHER survivor, I fire a few rounds... he was also trained in the art of the ALT F4 Ranger...hooah again.

But im ok with it...these guys suck, i dont let it bother me, I was having fun. So i stood my ground and waited for them to pop back in

I start getting careless at this point and end up getting "ghosted" by one of the ALT F4 rangers. This resulted in my death,Its about the funnest part of the mod really, player to player gun battles. This is mainly due to the fact that your gear, and your player placement took time to gather. So your putting a lot on the line.

thank you rocket. Im in the military, ive done some shit, and a video game shouldnt really phase me...but it does....and that is just really freaking awesome.

Mahalo and Aloha from hawaii.


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Awesome post!

Sticky please! I will refer to this thread every time some noob cries about PvP/Banditry.

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i dnt see how this post is diff to any other bandits post saying how he killed people and usualy a post like that follows with hate trolling , nothing but bandit love so far ...

im not against banditry i just like to see order in the forum :P :bandit:

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i dnt see how this post is diff to any other bandits post saying how he killed people and usualy a post like that follows with hate trolling , nothing but bandit love so far ...

im not against banditry i just like to see order in the forum :P :bandit:

Murdering people isnt banditry.

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Murdering people isnt banditry.

no at least banditry you loot the body so there is reason behind it ... this is just stone cold murder nothing gained ...

so banditry is out murder in ... i see :murder:

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Currently there isn't an 'end-game' of sorts so if this man wants to hunt players instead of hoarding, then let him.

Wow some people on this forum are really ignorant, I wasn't expecting such a immature community.

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it's getting ridiculous, there are too many people on these forums that feel like they have to the smartest most informed person and that their opinion is correct.

That is why you will never experience a proper discussion here on the forum, it will be full of idiots saying "go back to COD lolol" which is a shame because there is always so much more to any argument than that.

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