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Zealot (DayZ)

To all the hackers out there

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had a great time today! got spawned near NW airfiled with everyone on the server surronded by beartraps....

had a mk 48 and SPRAYED got 15 kills out of it.

i was the sole survivor so he spawned me an atv. i jump on it and drive off. crashed into a small stone wall coming out of a forest and died. serves me right

i dislike hackers as much as the next guy. but shit that was fun today :P

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had a great time today! got spawned near NW airfiled with everyone on the server surronded by beartraps....

had a mk 48 and SPRAYED got 15 kills out of it.

i was the sole survivor so he spawned me an atv. i jump on it and drive off. crashed into a small stone wall coming out of a forest and died. serves me right

i dislike hackers as much as the next guy. but shit that was fun today :P

Ha. Happend to my friend a few days ago. He just shot his AS-50 and nailed a guy in the head. Then DCed as fast as possible. Hackers need to fuck off. What is their problem anyway?

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Thanks for fuleing the fire.. RTARD!!!

go get killed... ingame... not in reallife..Not a treath. just a wish...


Other people would have killed him anyway. Herp derp.

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