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My group raided the S6 camp in the north, took literally everything. The server had reset, and we lost all of the items in our camp that we had transferred over. We re-raided their camp, and lo and behold, everything was ther, even a bus at another location we lost days ago was there. The server was rolled back a few days, so we were already suspicious. Upon two of us re-raiding, a few players appeared literally out of nowhere behind us, and killed my partner. I killed the player looting my partner (Acebane, who was in a patrol pack and civilian camo, with just a revolver, definitely not a northerner) and was then killed by another S6 player. It seems the S6 clan rolled back the server to get their items, and teleported to their camp. We are still engaging the rest of the S6 players, and will post pictures once another rollback/teleportation is done.

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Sounds like a classic logon trap to me. You shouldnt have gone back. I've made it up north after having collected just cans of food and drinks and a 1911. I mean 20 minutes in Kamenka and off I go. There are out of game maps and even then I really dont need one,I've been at this game long enough to know where I am.

Edited by Bushmaster14

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Yeah, I figured we'd get rolled. Best thing though? A third of ours just took care of all the other 3 S6 players, took what we could, and blew the camp with satchels. Posted the coords on reddit, theyll probably rollback and have their camp sitting pretty again.

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Server admins can't roll back, but the server can save slow on pressure. I doubt your post until proof is shown not some story.

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My group raided the S6 camp in the north, took literally everything. The server had reset, and we lost all of the items in our camp that we had transferred over. We re-raided their camp, and lo and behold, everything was ther, even a bus at another location we lost days ago was there. The server was rolled back a few days, so we were already suspicious. Upon two of us re-raiding, a few players appeared literally out of nowhere behind us, and killed my partner. I killed the player looting my partner (Acebane, who was in a patrol pack and civilian camo, with just a revolver, definitely not a northerner) and was then killed by another S6 player. It seems the S6 clan rolled back the server to get their items, and teleported to their camp. We are still engaging the rest of the S6 players, and will post pictures once another rollback/teleportation is done.

There are a lot of things server admins can't do, and you've listed a couple of them.

They can't teleport players/vehicles and they can't rollback servers

There is a glitch with Dayz as it is now where sometimes tents don't save after you take things out of them or destroy them; same with vehicles.

After a server restart they usually reappear in the last place they were saved at.

I had a tent on one server that I had only put up for fun, and to camp for easy kills. Filled it with raw meat, never refilled it.

It usually filled itself back up after server restarts, even when I had seen players take the meat out of the tent and left it on their dead bodies

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There are a lot of things server admins can't do, and you've listed a couple of them.

They can't teleport players/vehicles and they can't rollback servers

There is a glitch with Dayz as it is now where sometimes tents don't save after you take things out of them or destroy them; same with vehicles.

After a server restart they usually reappear in the last place they were saved at.

I had a tent on one server that I had only put up for fun, and to camp for easy kills. Filled it with raw meat, never refilled it.

It usually filled itself back up after server restarts, even when I had seen players take the meat out of the tent and left it on their dead bodies

Roger, was not aware of that. The bus throws me off since we lost it days ago. Well, currently weve had friends sniping the S6 players who are DCing atm, will take screenshots if given the chance (combat screens are hard of course). I know that people are going to totally call BS on me, and thats fine. You can believe what you like, and if you doubt me, PM me, I'll send you the coords of the camp, and if it is there ever again after we just flattened all 9 or so tents with satchels, well, take what you will.

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LMFAO: I'm assuming you're the guy on my youtube channel as well. I'll post the conversation from that. One of your buddies posted a "ACEBANE TELEPORT HACK" thread in cheat reporting too where I posted this message:

Callmegus: Hey Ace, I'm mockets bud here. We just encountered you at the camp, I was the one who killed you while you teleported your buds and rolled back the server, man thats a pretty dick move.

Acebane: You are def off your rocker if you think we teleported lol.

Callmegus: But you admit to rolling it back? Or at least resetting to ensure all your loot came back? Pretty obvious when you happen to be that close to your camp when the server is back up.

Acebane:No. I was restarting the server because it was night time. We weren't even near our camp when we restart the server. We had to run back to it. As I said, you're off your rocker COMPLETELY. Which begs the question, why were you at the camp upon server restart ;). Go talk to your buddy Mockets to calm your ass down, because you're making yourself look derpy with these posts.

Callmegus: Oh really? You were there within minutes bud. Explain our bus that we trashed 3 days ago spawning exactly where we left it, three days ago. Why were we at the camp? Our camp is very close to yours bud ;)

Acebane: We were there in 10 minutes to be exact. Having a vehicle is great :). Don't you think we'd be there instantly if we teleport? Your bus being back in the same place, is NOT me rolling back the server. That's the way it works in Day Z atm. When you restart, ran over tents/broken cars/flipped ATVs will back where they were prior to the restart upright. If your camp is close to ours, you're REALLY derpy for admitting it. I'd like to give you more credit and say that's a cover up but IDK for sure.

Callmegus: Bus from three entire days ago? For sure man. Yeah, our former camp with nothing now, go southeast and find it. Ah well, we still know you've been DCing in combat, our aussie friend sniped Hooligan and the other S6 member just DCed. I thought you ban people who do that? ;)

Acebane: We don't DC in combat. You're very much mistaken. But keep on with your false accusations. Everyone who has ever killed us/ had a fire fight with us know the truth. Your lies are amusing though.

On my replies on my specific video, apparently him and his friends down rated my replies thus hiding them from the public. In any case, I'm the GUY who made the damn Hacker awareness video and fights hackers (Trying to get them banned) all day long on our server. I would never cheat, exploit or any of that junk. All of these accusations are FALSE and the guy apparently just wants to stir up the hornet's nest with this junk.

Thank you for those explaining to this guy that server restarts make cars/tents/flipped vehicles respawn in their previous locations completely unharmed. I'm fine with people disliking me, but questioning my(and S6's) credibility when it comes to hacking/Exploiting is a complete insult to me and my clan.

As for you original poster here, you can ask ANYONE who plays on our server. We only restart it when it's night time or to get rid of a hacker(Someone ports everyone to cherno on the server, I alt tab and restart to save their characters). As far as combat DCing, I'm also an advocate against it and threaten to ban my OWN members before any regular player for doing it. So I know you're lying already - Ask anyone who has gotten in a fire fight with us and won. They got all the kills they deserved. If you're referring to the one guy who dc'd at the camp today named "John Doe" He's a friend of Hooligan's and we yelled at him for it. He logged back in and died.

You referring to me as "Not a Northerner", my oh my you have a lot to learn. There's a benefit to having a car that your clan mates can pick you up from the coast in. If you think we came out of no where(teleported), you're just lacking situational awareness because we came up the hill from behind. We didn't shoot at first because we were confused if you were one of us or not. We confirmed it and opened fire.

P.S. Hey Itzdusty, what's your in game name?

Edited by Acebane
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I'd just like to say I've been playing on US195 with a couple of my friends the last few days and S6 seem like cool guys to me. They've apologized about the recent hackers, they have a system message when you log on that combat DCers will be banned and they've been polite. The server restarted earlier today to switch to daytime too if that's the restart being referred to.

On that topic, I'm curious what's up with the day/night cycle on the server though. I'm guessing it's out of wack since you guys reset it, but it seems like every time I log on it's a different time period haha.

Any ways, I'm enjoying the server, and I'm glad to read you're actively trying to stop those hackers, seems like there's been quite a few in the last few days. I wish admins had a few more tools to stop them. I look forward to seeing you all in game!

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I can tell you guys from personal experience (I used to be in the clan) that I know S6 doesn't do this sort of thing. Unless they've changed completely in the past three weeks or so, I know they are staunchly anti-hacker. Otherwise, if they have, FOR SHAME. But honestly, I think you're making a big deal out of a glitch of some sort. Perhaps you're upset that you didn't get all the juicy gear that I'm sure they have saved up at that camp?

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I was on 195 last night. There was a hacker with somebody else in a helicopter. I was able to kill the pilot out the helicopter with the AS50. His name was =CDA=Maverick. The other guy survived. I moved up on him while my friend distracted him and i shot him 4 times with the AS50 from about 10-20 meters away. He survived and killed my friend so i exited the server. We joined back about 20 minutes later and the same guys were in a helicopter again, so we unloaded on it, got them to crash, and they chased us off with machine guns. We escaped in a Ural. Anyway, not sure who the admin is, but one of the hackers was definitely =CDA=Maverick.

Edited by BoofNodgile

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I was on 195 last night. There was a hacker with somebody else in a helicopter. I was able to kill the pilot out the helicopter with the AS50. His name was =CDA=Maverick. The other guy survived. I moved up on him while my friend distracted him and i shot him 4 times with the AS50 from about 10-20 meters away. He survived and killed my friend so i exited the server. We joined back about 20 minutes later and the same guys were in a helicopter again, so we unloaded on it, got them to crash, and they chased us off with machine guns. We escaped in a Ural. Anyway, not sure who the admin is, but one of the hackers was definitely =CDA=Maverick.

You think they are hackers why?

You also just openly admitted to DCing in combat to prevent death

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You think they are hackers why?

You also just openly admitted to DCing in combat to prevent death

If you read my post, i explained why. When the helicopter crashed, the guy got out and i put 4-5 NATO AS50 rounds into his body and head, and he did not die. That is why i KNOW they were hackers. And the fact that they had a helicopter less than 30 minutes after crashing the first one. And yes, when someone survives 5 hits from what should be a one hit kill weapon, I'm going to disconnect. I've lost my gear too many times thanks to invisible and invincible people that I'm going to DC everytime i encounter a hacker.

Edited by BoofNodgile

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If you read my post, i explained why. When the helicopter crashed, the guy got out and i put 4-5 NATO AS50 rounds into his body and head, and he did not die. That is why i KNOW they were hackers. And the fact that they had a helicopter less than 30 minutes after crashing the first one. And yes, when someone survives 5 hits from what should be a one hit kill weapon, I'm going to disconnect. I've lost my gear too many times thanks to invisible and invincible people that I'm going to DC everytime i encounter a hacker.

Helicopters are quite prone to desyncing. Usually when someone gets in our out of them while they're in the air and parachute down there will be large discrepancies between what you see and what they are actually doing.

You may have put 4-5 bullets in him on your screen, but the desync caused by being in a chopper could have meant you likely shot him after he had alrady moved quite some distance on his side.

There are two helicopters on a server. If you have one of them it isn't difficult to find the other from the air; which means that usually one group will have both helicopters.

If I had encountered someone who shot down my heli and then combat logged while I was killing him, I'd go get the other one and wait for him to sign back in again.

That is why I KNOW you actually KNOW nothing, you are just a biased source of information that screams "HACKER" any time something remotely glitchy happens.

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Please report cheaters om the cheat reporting forum section or in super six server thread on server general.

@OP I am eagerly awaiting those pics you claimed to have.

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There are two helicopters on a server. If you have one of them it isn't difficult to find the other from the air; which means that usually one group will have both helicopters.

If I had encountered someone who shot down my heli and then combat logged while I was killing him, I'd go get the other one and wait for him to sign back in again.

There is exactly one helicopter per server right now.

If they had two, something was foul.

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There is exactly one helicopter per server right now.

If they had two, something was foul.

Actually, there are two helicopters per server.

That or there are about 5 servers I normally play on who never have hackers, had hackers who only came in and hacked in one extra helicopter then left.

As well as a few other servers that I don't normally play on who had hackers who only happened to hack one extra heli in.

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