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Let's drink more water. Blood and water.

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I fully support the idea that water should be more valuable than food in the game, because human blood is 80% water, and can not be that ate canned beans and to become more blood. We must do the opposite: when drinking 250 ml of water from the jar - 150 added to the blood, and drank soda 200ml -> plus 100 levels. The benefits of food: meat -> 100 blood, beans -> 50 levels. The more so that people without food easily (and without loss of blood), lives a week, but no water - just 2 days...

On average, 1 liter of human plasma contains 900-910 grams of water, 65-85 grams of protein and 20 grams of low molecular weight compounds.

Compare rates of 900 and 65, which of them is more important?

Я целиком и полностью поддерживаю идею, что вода должна быть более ценна чем еда в игре, потому что кровь человека состоит на 80% из воды, и не может быть так, что сожрал консерву с бобами и стало больше крови. Надо наоборот сделать: при выпивании 250мл воды из фляги - чтобы 150 добавлялось крови, выпил 200мл содовой -> плюс 100 крови. Польза от еды: мясо -> +100 крови, бобы -> +50 крови. Тем более, что без еды человек легко (и без потери крови), проживает неделю, а вот без воды - всего лишь 2 дня... Вам надо знать биологию - В среднем 1л плазмы крови человека содержит 900—910 грамм воды, 65—85 грамм белка и 20 грамм низкомолекулярных соединений. Сравните показатели 900 и 65, что важнее??.

Edited by Dedulka

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I think soda shouldn't quench your thirst as much as it does. It's so abundant, and it does the job as well as water in-game. In real life, it doesn't help dehydration that well.

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I think soda shouldn't quench your thirst as much as it does. It's so abundant, and it does the job as well as water in-game. In real life, it doesn't help dehydration that well.

but soda contains water )

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Then you could just sit by a water pump and heal with your canteen.

My vote: no

yes, but nobody forbids hunting on the same rabbits, pigs and cows, each as good, yeah;)

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I think a canteen should be good for more than 1 drink. Seriously, what survivor slams a whole canteen?

2 or 3 would be fine.

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I think a canteen should be good for more than 1 drink. Seriously, what survivor slams a whole canteen?

2 or 3 would be fine.

it'll be a problem like counting of bullets

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yes, but nobody forbids hunting on the same rabbits, pigs and cows, each as good, yeah;)

A single animal does not supply an infinite amount of meat, but a lake/pump supplies an infinite amount of water.

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