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possible admin problem, or just a very major bug. ( Bus related )

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Alright, so this might be somewhat of a long story but i will try to keep it as short as i can.

i was playing on RU20 one night ( again as this is the server i play on, till i get my own. ) i was playing around the NW Airfield for a while trying to find some good shit, i checked the whole area and found a gps in the firestation, so i decided to take my retreat after finding such a neat item, exited the airfield in a east ish direction and kept running for a while, i ran past a couple of forestish areas and yawned once, wich made me turn my camera in a slightly not predicted location, i ghasped slightly because i couldnt hardly beleve my eyes, in a wood ish area just a klick away from the NW Airfield there stood a bus, fully repeaired and ready to go, i approached it cautiosly, took me about 5 minutes until i shook of the worst feeling of trap i had, i checked it out and true enough it worked, although the gas was a bit short, nonethe less it worked.

i decided to take it and try to randevouz with my mate that i was talking to in skype at the time, so i start to drive away and sure enough i get shot at, so in panic i just kept pressing shift and drove away far enough, i ended up in Grishnio, very close to the Gasstation, hit a roadblock thing and punctured both my front wheels, so i curse for a while since i dont have any tires, but i decide to come back later so i started making my way south west towards kamenka where my mate spawned, found a bike not far from Pustoshka ( just south theres a gasstation ), and a tire spawn in it, so i make a note of it and continue my jurney south west ish, a time later we come back there pickup the tire and start to head in the Grishnio direction hitting all the deerstands on the way, it takes us a while but we get there, my friend starts to try and hold of the zombies till ive fixed the bus, i manage to repair one front wheel,

problem is, it still cant drive straight, so we scrounge around and manages to find another tire, and we get the hell out of grishnio, we drive a while in the general direction of the north east airstrip, when we come across a Tracor spawn, my mate climbs in and findsout it works although is leaking fuel, no matter we drive off in search of glory and all that, a time later we find us at the Factory between Polana and Orlovets, we know that a mate is logged of there so we decide to take a break and try to get him on, after logging back on a while later our stuff is still there so me and another friend starts searching for moore vheicles, beeing that he is in Berezino and im just north of Polana trying to findout how you re-fuel jerry cans he aint with me yet, all of a sudden an admin message pops up, "server restart imminent", so i think ah well i have time to get out of the bus, but no just 1 second after that the server shuts down, knowing this is bad i log back in, sure enough i spawn inside the bus and dies instantly, now i had a SVD CAMO, M9 Silenced, Alice pack, Gps, The kit (matches knife hatchet), map compass, clock.

so i think to myself shit my mate is close so its not a problem he can pick it up for me and guard the bus, note this my mate is at the medical building in berezino so he is close by, he starts rushing towards my corspse as i make my way back ( spawned in kamenka... yay ) a little while later like 3 minutes i hear him asking, where my corpse is, and i reply probably under the bus, so he gets in and moves it, no corpse... its been 5 minutes ish since i died... my shit is gone, ah well i know that close to the factory i put an m249 SAW and a couple o mags so ill be fine, i make my way up there get that and picks up the bus and my friend, we start looking for a UAZ spawn or any vheicle nimbler than a bus, roughly 30 minutes transpires and we get constant redchains btw after the server restart, didnt have any before it.

we get the sweet No message recieved thing a few times, but spawn outside of the bus... ( oh now it works thanks alot game ), somewhere between blacklake and willow lake we get another server message from the admin, another server reboot *sigh*, so we quickly jump out of the bus and the server restarts, when we get back on everything works just fine, so we decide to try and find a safe spot to rest for a while, we drive up to Krasnostav, and notice spawned zombies, so we decide to take a route around it, just on the field there... for no reason, no gunshot heard by my friend, no shattered windows nothing, no fences nothing .. i just die... 5 seconds later ... my friend dies... he notices he had -200.000 hp when he died, no weapon does that immense damage in one shot and lets the bus survive, so i rage inside for a while and decide to call it, i dont have a screenshot to prove this, but trust me ... its true, now i know i didnt hit anything fishy it was just a flat field, so it had to be one of these, Admin, hacker or a bug.

now my message to you is, stay away from RU20 ... in just a short while the server has been plagued by all sorts of cheaters, bugs, and bad admins..

Thanks for listening to my story, it means alot to me! :)

- Erik "Soon to be owning his own server, when Vilayer stops giving me the ( Your account does not exist shit )"

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There are so many thousands of game breaking bugs and glitches atm, the only thing I can tell you is be patient. This game is an alpha mod. And what that means is, only about 30 % of what is intended to work correctly does atm. If you are noticing that about 70% of the game is broken, its because it is. Try to enjoy what isnt ruined atm, which is : coastal city pvp. Thats about the only thing left

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Very interesting,. if you want i can give it a look.....add me on skype gardenman1337

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You said "very major bug". All guns not shooting would be a "very major bug", the bus not driving straight ? NO.

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the bus not driving straight is likely because you double tapped alt while the tires weren't straight, they will settle back at the point they were at when you did that.

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You said "very major bug". All guns not shooting would be a "very major bug", the bus not driving straight ? NO.

Did you actually read the whole thing? He's not reporting that the bus didn't drive straight, he's reporting that for no reason at all he and a friend died inside the bus without the bus taking any damage. Read before you start having a go at him please.

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The as50 with the as50 ammo hits about that hard and if it just hits you through the window it might not blow up the bus.

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