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Can I ban players for Alt-F4ing?

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We just had a group of 3 players in a 'clan' try to ambush us. We killed 2 of them and they alt-f4'd.

Im trying to keep my server pvp oriented so these are exactly the pussies I dont want on my server.

Am I allowed to ban them?

Their clan tag was [umad], but clearly it should be [WeScared]

Edited by rasputina

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No. See the rules. It's pretty clear.

On a good note, there are changes in the works that will stop this behaviour / punish it and can eventually lead to perma-ban..

from another thread :

Firstly, we will do what DayZ always does... we will collect data.

At the same time, initially, login cooldown will be applied (and grow) where you transfer to another server, and cooldown will be applied significantly if you try and reconnect to the same server (with an alive character). Once we have enough data, we will use that to determine algorithms that detect a players behavior over a period of time. This will allow us to then start applying warnings > punishments > database bans; to those players who continue the behavior.

Edited by Psyl3nt
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No. See the rules. It's pretty clear.

On a good note, there are changes in the works that will stop this behaviour / punish it and can eventually lead to perma-ban.

meh. those rules are relatively incomplete and dont cover a lot of the loopholes that admins can prevent. I dont see why I cant just ban them since I witnessed it happen and im the server admin.

ah thanks for the quote.

although I dont mind people alt-f4ing in general. I dont want people like that ambushing a location that is permanent and the alt-f4ing and ghosting back in like a bunch of cheaters

Edited by rasputina

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They are definitely scum, and it would be great to be able to ban them, but I think the reasoning behind the Devs saying no, is that other admin tend to abuse it and just say "they alt-f4'd so I banned them". Very hard to prove / disprove unless your running fraps and even then . . .

At least if the devs have it sorted it will catch them all, and clean the game up for everyone. Probably best to let Rocket and team do what they are doing.

I'd also prefer if they didn't really say to much about it, so it just "happens" to the people who are doing this. Will be very funny to watch the forum rage after the exploiters are banned.

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Actually Rocket said that Alt+F4'ing to avoid death is considered an exploit. I'll let you interpret what that means but I've banned a few players that did that to me as I was firing on them.

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Yeah im probably going to ban him if he comes back on. I thought I lost his name but then I saw the top 10 zombie killers on the server and his name is [uMad]Stalking. looks like he is a pretty veteran player.

Edited by rasputina

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Yep, just ban em noone has to know.

Edit: On the server US 1 the welcome message says *We know if you ALT F4'd in a battle come back and get banned :)*

Edited by Two in the Bush

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Ban the lot of them.. their admin matty for their UMAD clan server is an admin abuser.

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How do you ban ..I know you need player ID and to edit or create a ban.txt in the main arma 2 directory correct? Have a feeling will be needing this soon so if someone could explain exactly or direct me to a thread that explains it would be great! :)

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