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How are the nerfs affecting the bandit buisness?

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I'm a survivor but friendly to the concept of bandits, just the other side of the coin. We have different jobs, same office.

Kind of like Wile E. Coyote and the sheep dog.


So I'm wondering... how is the nerf hurting buisness?

I got into a firefight with one today... that he should have won. Actually she, as in female skin, but you never know.

Either way I climbed up a hill and saw a guy... I said friendly and he opened up with an akm on me. Down and unconcius... normally dead but with the nerf I had enough blood to survive and cap him with my revolver until he went down. We both bandaged ourselves, because it was a gentlemanly duel, and proceded to fire some more. I got him with the Lee Enfield, (switched) and after like 2 or 3 shots (!) it was over.

So what did I learn?

The element of surprise is somewhat gone (shoot while somebody asks friendly does not work as well anymore) and firefights now last 10 minutes.

Moral of the story? Bandits win... "her" buddy (who I saw and avoided earlier since I did not have a clear shot) capped me while looting her.



Edited by lugaru

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Akm wasnt nerfed according to your link. That kind a ruins your story. But anyway, those are pretty lowgrade weapons so i dont think that this nerd changes many bandits business. Well maybe dinnerbell isnt as used as it used to be :P

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I think the both of you are just bad. Mmmkay? That many bullets fired before a death? Fucking lawlz.

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Enfield was nerfed too, otherwise you could have just 1-hit the other player.

Nerfs haven't effected my playstyle at all. Headshot with SVD, M16A4 or M9 SD still equals instant death.

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Actually I'm not sure which AK it was, but I found an AKM in cherno after respawning so I have that one in my brain right now. But you are right, any bandits with proper sniper weapons are probably mostly unchanged.

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