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Return to last save rather than respawning

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Date/Time: 22/05/12 1pm GMT

What happened: I was killed by zombies, when at the "You are Dead" screen I didn't click respawn. Just clicked abort, disconnect and ok to load in again and I returned to a previous saved character. I was then able to find my other dead self and could have looted equipment duplicates. So theoretically this exploit could be used to duplicate nice weapons and items.

This exploit/bug was duplicated by a friend of mine on the same server later in the day when I asked him to test it and the same thing happened. He was killed by a player and when he loaded back in, returned to a previous save around 1 minute before hand.

Where you were: Nadezhdino

What you were doing: Dying horribly

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: DE 5

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