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US 150 Admin Abuse

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My friends and I found a huge campsite on server US 150. This server belongs to the clan =DHD= and their campsite had tons of tents and vehicles.

The first night, Tuesday July 24th myself and a friend were caught stealing from their tents and sniped. An admin message "Hows it taste to fail?" appeared. To retaliate, I later stole some vehicles.

The next night, Wed July 25th at about 920-930 pm I was camped with a .50 cal near their tents. =DND=BanHammer, one of the admins showed up in a truck and got out of it to go to the tents. I sniped and killed him then ran to steal the truck. About 30 seconds later we all got the message "No message from server for xx seconds". He clearly raged and reset the server trying to roll back.

The server remained down for several hours. The next day when trying to log on I was banned along with one of my friends. We played fair. US 150 admins from =DHD= do not.

Just putting this up to give fair warning to others who enjoy robbing campsites. AVOID US 150 (not US150, there is a space between US and 150!) Crybaby admins will ban you for outplaying them.

Also, a side note to clan =DHD=: Enjoy the work of my other friend who you didn't ban. He counted 36 tents destroyed today by running them over with a tractor that I stole from you.

Edited by Bobulaa

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lol. I want to go in, I'm well supplied. Know where the campsite is? You can pm me if you want.

Edited by jordan2412

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All their tents have been destroyed in retaliation for banning us for no reason. But it was in the far NW corner of the map.

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Unless you remove stuff from tents and save the tents, they respawn upon the server reset with all of their items back in them. Running them over does not accomplish anything.

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Unless you remove stuff from tents and save the tents, they respawn upon the server reset with all of their items back in them. Running them over does not accomplish anything.

Well according to the day z wiki you are wrong but who knows.

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You are correct. I, too, found the campsite. Today , actually, i counted 15 tents. Picked up a soda and a SVD Camo Sharpshooter. Made it away safe and posted a global note on the map as to where it was. If you wanna know, PM me. I always play on US 150 and BanHammer does some shady shit. I stole a GPS from his body at the NEAF once. Server restarted and he came running back with all his gear and I killed him again. Now I have two GPSs.

Edited by latioug

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You guys are funny. Bobula, you and your buddy were caught spawning a heli in the camp. That's why you were banned.

As far as servers going down. IT WILL ALWAYS go down if I am there for a hack. period. It will ALWAYS be for an extended period.

My tents are all alive and kicking. Latioug you are a liar. Restarting a server will not get you your shit back. Doesn't work that way.

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I am not lying. I know what I saw and how it went down. But, if what you say is true, maybe it was a fluke of some sort. In that case, I apologize. :D

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