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General Survivor/Bandit Tips for Beginners

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Starting out!

I recommend taking a tutorial that comes with the game to understand the basics of gear, and controls, etc.

Map Skills

You're alone on the coast. You have no sense of direction, and you dont know where you are. You may or may not know the geography of Chernarus. Yes, it tells you where you spawn, but sometimes it's not always a city.

First establish direction. The clouds in Chernarus always flow east. No need for a compass unless its foggy or night time. If you ever get lost always remember that. Now that we've established your direction, you have to locate yourself.

The best map I've found, & if there is better, please suggest it, is -


Or if it confuses you, you can use a simple map


Use landmarks, the roads, and railroads to find out where you are. If the clouds are flowing towards the coast, you know you are located on the East Side of Chernarus. If the clouds are going down the coast, you know you are located somewhere South of Chernarus. Now that you know which side, look around for islands, towers, etc to establish where you are.

Now that you know where you are, you need to start getting some supplies. You'll hear a lot about 'Cherno' Chernogorsk & 'Elektro' Elektrozadodsk. Trust me, you'll visit these places eventually. These are the two main cities on Chernarus. They have the most common loot, the most zombie & human traffic, and are very dangerous.

Once you start progressing in the game, you can find items such as maps, compasses, watches, GPS's etc. These will help you navigate to your destination, but items like the GPS are rare.

Looting & Zombies

There are plenty of other towns along the coast where you will spawn, you can find out more information about them in the DayZ Wiki link I'll leave below.

Now you finally located a town or city and now you want to find food & water, weapons & equipment. However, as you walk up to a building you notice you cannot open it, that's right not every building is accessible. Here are some of the popular buildings you can collect from -




You can see the other buildings in my Photobucket album link. I got all the pictures from the DayZ Wiki.

By now you should have encountered a zombie or two. You are probably running for you life, and thankfully, the zombies can never catch you if you continue running. However you can't just run around the map with zombies chasing you. There are different ways to avoid them, and lose them. Well, first off if you have a weapon, and the situation is appropriate, you can shoot them. Try for headshots to conserve ammo. You can also run into a building, wait for them to come in, and leave the building safely. Zombies can't run inside!

To avoid them pay attention to your visibility and noise levels -


Your blood (Health) and zombie kill count, including player kill count will also be showed on your HUD.

Your Hunger, thirst and your temperature is displayed.

Zombies are a fair threat. Once you learn how to avoid them & hide from them with more experience your greater threat will be other players.

Now back to looting, be sure to not attract any attention towards yourself and only take what you need at the time, or later down the road. If it is daytime, it's a much smart decision taking an extra can of soda then road flares. Learn to conserve your space. When you leave either the big cities, or the little towns and go into the wilderness, you don't want to end up starving to death.


There are multiple Tiers of loot. For example, you won't find a M16 in a Barn because a barn only spawns specific weapons, ammo and gear. Higher tier places such as Airport Hangars, Barracks and Fire stations like the last picture above will post Military Grade weapons.

You can seperate loot into 4 catagories.

Farm - Includes rifles, shotguns, shotgun ammo. Hunting knives, etc. Typical woodsy loot. Compound bows, arrows, axes.

Military - Night Vision Goggles, typical sniper rifles, GPS, G17's upgrades backpacks.

Industrial - A lot of tools, including toolbox's, wiring fences, hatchets, car parts such as wheels and gasoline.

Civilian - Medical supplies, lots of food and drinks, some shotguns & rifles. Pistols including Makarov, Revolver & M1911.

Here is a VERY good weapon chart a fellow DayZ Member (Izviral) made -


Food, Thirst, Infection and Blood

Food consists of canned goods, raw & cooked meat.
Thirst can be replinished with sodas & water bottles.

You can kill an animal, and with a hunting knife in your inventory; gut it and you'll acquire raw meat.
With matches and logs you can then create a fire where you can cook the meat. Cooked meat gives you more HP and doesn't give you an infection. If you eat raw meat, it will not heal as much and there is a risk of getting sick.
The same goes for water. If you boil water there is a much lower risk of obtaining an infection.

Infections can be cause by all of the above and a 1/5 of getting it from a zombie attack.
Blood (HP) can be replinished with a bloodpack. But beware, it requires another person to use the blood pack and there's always a risk of infection.


Running out of space in your backpack? Found another backpack, and want to know if it is better? Here is the hierarchy

Czech Vest Pouch - 6 Slots - Civillian Loot
Coyote Patrol Pack - 8 Slots (The Starter Backpack) - Civillian
Assault Pack - 12 Slots - Military
Czech Backpack - 16 Slots - Civillian
ALICE Backpack - 20 Slots - Civillian
Coyote Backpack - 24 Slots - Military

Sniping Advice

Misc. Tips

- Hold the ALT Key to look around
- Clouds always flow east
- You can turn M1911 Ammo into .45 ACP and vice versa by right clicking it
- When placing tents, and it doesn't fit, hit Pitch Tent again and move back using the 'S' key, and repeat. It almost always pitches the tent
- The crosshair is slightly higher than where the bullet will hit.
- Swimming will take away your backpack and you might lose some inventory.
- Zombies can swim, climb ladders and go through doors.
- Running for a while will make you thirstier quicker.
- Zombies can't run indoors.
- CTRL + M To bring up the GPS
- If you have a rangefinder, drop your binoculars to use it and hit 'B'
- You can change your characters Race/Face in the Player Profile option in the Main Menu.
- You can throw cans to distract zombies, pick a can up and hit 'F' to cycle through firing options.
Please, if you have anymore tips, let me know!

Joining a Server:

1. Download 
2. Copy this IP:
3. Paste it in the top left of the Favorites Tab

Dayz Map

Another Dayz Map

Dayz Wiki

My Photobucket

Weapon Chart

Dayz Tip Guide
http://dayzmod.com/f...ly/#entry464565 Edited by prominentalex
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I'm not a beginner, but these are some great tips.

Thank you, I'll be updating it a lot more tomorrow!

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A little update, if you guys have any tips, or any links for me to include in the OP please Private Message me and let me know.

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all of these tutorials are commendable. they are helpful and good reads for new people for sure.

it reminds me of school. i go to school for years and spend all my time getting smart about how my job in the real world is going to be.

only to find out. when i do get a job in the real world, that it's nothing like what they taught me in skool.

yep. kind of like DayZ; it's all different in the DayZ world.

what i am amazed by is the wild range of emotions this game can evoke by circumstances that i don't read in any tutorial, or see on any youtube videos.

and that's why i love this mod.

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I agree, that's why enjoy it as well. Learning from reading, and listening is nothing like experience. But I'm trying to give more raw facts then things you learn from experience. I will add things later on that I've learned from experience, but right now it's more about facts.

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The DayzDB map is by far the best that I've seen.

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Small Tip: If you are in a good looting location, cycleing to different servers allows you to loot said location until you have what you need. The risk is obvious, loading in to a server where that location is occupied.

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Thank you everyone for the feedback!

Can you only get the 240B from downed Heli's?

I believe you can find them in military barracks!

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- CTRL + M To bring up the GPS

May want to clarify that this is right ctrl + M. L Ctrl + M will only bring up the map. Great guide all the same.

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