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Dayz Question

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If you make a new profile in arma 2 will your able to start new without items and them stuff because i get bored on my other one bcause its too waaay easy for me. Or those it give you the items with your last character. Or those it duplicate the items from the last profile user. Answer please cant wait to get back to dayz :P

Edited by Johnpwnedyou

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in arma 2, if you create a new profile carries over the same items, it only changes your name and look in game. gear/characters are attached to your CD key for your game.

Edited by Tatakt

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So if you die in the new character... the whole thing will be the same? So you'll lose your items same with all the characters?

Edited by Johnpwnedyou

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If you want a new character just hit "respawn" or get deliberately killed.

You only get one character per Operation Arrowhead serial key, unless you play on non-Hive servers (not recommended).

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