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Possable admin abuse 1067

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Just stole a blue Ural Civilian loaded to the gills with guns, ammo, and supplies from 2 guys running around green mountain with my buddy at around 3:00 PM PST 7/26/2012 on US 1067 (not sure what server time honestly). we then drove off and down the mountain and off onto some dirt roads and started heading east away from were they were, about 5-10 mins later the server was restarted several times and the truck vanished from were we had it. Not sure if it was abuse or just really bad timing on our part but seemed fishy so tossed up this post. Thanks for any and all help you can provide. =)

Edited by Zenbu

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Just stole a blue Ural Civilian loaded to the gills with guns, ammo, and supplies from 2 guys running around green mountain with my buddy at around 3:00 PM PST 7/26/2012 on US 1067 (not sure what server time honestly). we then drove off and down the mountain and off onto some dirt roads and started heading east away from were they were, about 5-10 mins later the server was restarted several times and the truck vanished from were we had it. Not sure if it was abuse or just really bad timing on our part but seemed fishy so tossed up this post. Thanks for any and all help you can provide. =)

Don't you think the admin would have restarted the server right away if he/she saw you steal the truck?

Also it's possible ;)

Edited by icomrade

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Don't you think the admin would have restarted the server right away if he/she saw you steal the truck?

Also it's possible ;)

Its possable that nothing was out of the ordinary, but been on this server for several days now and they've always had restarts late at night and the server itself was very stable, didn't have any connection problems and what not. Then today it happens in the middle of the afternoon right after we hijack this truck when they left it unguarded? :huh:

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on Server US 1459, Server admin : HostageX, Scutzi128, Luminatx, BvsNbuttHD abused the Admin powers by kicking people the whole time. Also they said something about a party bus with good loot and they were giving it away. they were waiting on a hill to snipe people and they had Ghillie suits (hacked) then we killed them. Then we went to loot them and they kicked us from the server over and over again. they killed my friend after that and teleported him to cherno. Then we kept trying to connect they banned my friend from the server. can a admin contact me about this please for more info

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its more and more recurrent to find events like this in which admins abuse their power.

We, as a community, should create some sort of active blacklist of servers with bad management to stay away from. At least until the dayz team acts upon them.

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A hacker was in the game and I was in team speak with the admin. We are all not admins. And i'm sorry you died and got mad but it wasn't planned and we didnt teleport anyone. And i'm sorry that you got killed when you tried relogging into a server that you kept being kicked from when we where trying to find the hacker.

keep calm and carry on.

Edited by hostagex
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