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A Zombie

this game is turning into a death match because zombies are easy.

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its just a mod and at this phase you need to be creative to keep playing or else you end up posting stuff like this.

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You're making the obvious mistake of presuming that the ONLY way to increase zombie difficulty is to increase their mere numbers.

Half a thousand other ways to do it, chief.

The OP has the right idea, if not precisely the right implementation.

The rest is solved by the post directly above mine: reduce the rate of military loot spawn.

My apologies..... chief...

But I was responding to the OPs statement that there needs to be "lots and lots" of zombies.

And I agree. Critical loot should be more rare, and extremely long range weapons should be nigh impossible to get.

As the mod is in beta, there is no gameplay testing going on, though. Only engine concepts.

As long as there is duplicating, there is no such thing as rarity.

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Maybe they should have like hordes of zombies in this game, that pass through cities from time to time, and pretty much if you don't run, or hide, you get fucked, i dunno, something like that.

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Wait for Ama II to have more zombies... Also it's in Alpha, so wait n' see.

I see countless posts about people being angry or disagreeing with the game's current state, but you're right it is an alpha. Having an opinion or suggestion is fine and I'm not directing this towards you OP, just venting.

There is this overwhelming sense of entitlement toward the mod, that is, what I can best describe as, a spoiled brat attitude.

"Rocket should get his head out of ass and fix this or change that or sell it, this is bullshit," kind of stuff is constantly posted. Or, if a patch doesn't work or are there are bugs, "THIS IS BULLSHIT," rage is posted everywhere. It's not helping anyone or anything. It's good to vent once in a while, but to direct hate and insults for updating his mod not to your perfection or with a bug, is absolutely ridiculous.

It's his mod, you bought Arma2 not Dayz. You should be happy and feel privileged to actually play, what I think is, the best zombie game made to date.

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what is truly lost in the modern FPS environment is how insanely difficult it actually is to USE a gun. If somebody handed me a sniper rifle now with great optics, I could *maybe* hit a head sized object from 200 metres, and I stress maybe. To accurately hit a human sized object from 800m, one has to compensate for, gravtiy, trajectory, wind speed, temperature, air density, coriolis effect, number of shots fired through the barrel, barrel temperature, level of debris in the barrel, the build quality of the weapon, the build quality of the ammunition and probably a dozen other factors of which I'm unaware. A sniper is an insanely specialised craft requiring years of training. The rifle itself requires very highly specialised skills to maintain. Yet in game we pick up a sniper rifle and we're gods of the battlefield. This argument can be applied to most all high tech high specialty kit.

I argued elsewhere that all high technology kit is virtually worthless in the post apocalyptic environment as their would be no supplies or specialists to maintain it and should either be taken out of the game or made ultra rare. In the post apocalypse, knife skills, martial arts and a specialist trade are what will give your life meaning and currency. However this mod is derived from a military sim, and so the military mindset is carried over. You simply wouldn't kill someone because at the end of the day, he might just be able to fix that broken piece of kit you have stashed, or might be able to teach you something that makes your existence easier.

and by the way. I've shot pistols, shotguns, rifles, bows, crossbows, all manner of homemade projectile devices....

anyway this is a bit of an IRL rant. I thoroughly approve of what the dev concept is aiming for, but trying to drill that into FPS deathmatch junkies is looking impossible. I thoroughly appreciate the alpha nature of the mod. and the good grace of the devs for allowing us so much access to the mod in it's current embryonic state. I can't imagine how frustrating these forums are for rocket. how he doesn't suffer from permarage is beyond me....

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Well today I had been kept inside a residential building in Berezino trapped by hordes and hordes of infected. They just kept coming. I believe I went from 12 infected kills to like 81 trying to escape that building. Never in my DayZ experience had I been so scared. God damn gun shot noises.

Awesome patch made my day yesterday.

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Really agree with this thread, they must make zombies harder so people have to cooperate or die basicly. Dont need more zombies, we just need harder zombies.

But i think that will be kinda hard seeing how they have done zombies so far, they are just waypointing to you. Dont think they have no control over animation or the glitching ........ its just a mod.

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You know if they really wanted to make this game realistic then getting attacked by zombie should have a chance of the player becoming infected with the zombie virus.

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Isn't PvP the goal of this mod? Me and my friend bought this game purely to play Dayz because we liked the idea of a realistic PvP deathmatch shooter game where you have to survive by eating beans, drinking cokes, scavenge your own weapons and ammo. The zombies are just a (fun) addetive.

The fact that the entire game is designed around PvP supports this. When you die and start a new character, what are your goals? Thats right, first gather food/water and a starter kit, then head up north for military grade weapons. Once you have those the goal of the game is to kill other players. What else is there to do? Isn't that the ultimate end goal of this game? To get weapons so you can PvP? What else is there to do? Trying to gather all vehicles in the game? That is also PvP as other people will have the vehicles. Trying to survive the longest? Also PvP as you have to kill other players when you meet them as you are scavenging villages (Unless you are sitting in the corner of the map, killing boars and filling your canteens for hours on end but I don't see what the point in that is). Trying to gather all weapons in game when you are not a hacker? Also PvP.

This entire mod is designed around PvP, the goal of this mod is to PvP. There is nothing else to play this game for.

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Isn't PvP the goal of this mod? Me and my friend bought this game purely to play Dayz because we liked the idea of a realistic PvP deathmatch shooter game where you have to survive by eating beans, drinking cokes, scavenge your own weapons and ammo. The zombies are just a (fun) addetive.

The fact that the entire game is designed around PvP supports this. When you die and start a new character, what are your goals? Thats right, first gather food/water and a starter kit, then head up north for military grade weapons. Once you have those the goal of the game is to kill other players. What else is there to do? Isn't that the ultimate end goal of this game? To get weapons so you can PvP? What else is there to do? Trying to gather all vehicles in the game? That is also PvP as other people will have the vehicles. Trying to survive the longest? Also PvP as you have to kill other players when you meet them as you are scavenging villages (Unless you are sitting in the corner of the map, killing boars and filling your canteens for hours on end but I don't see what the point in that is). Trying to gather all weapons in game when you are not a hacker? Also PvP.

This entire mod is designed around PvP, the goal of this mod is to PvP. There is nothing else to play this game for.

dude. I think you've completeley missed the point of what the devs are aiming for. completely.

see here...


this was never meant to be a PvP deathmatch mod.

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dude. I think you've completeley missed the point of what the devs are aiming for. completely.

see here...


this was never meant to be a PvP deathmatch mod.

Then counter my argument? Everything in this game is based around PvP and wether this was Rocket's aim or not does not matter. Besides the quote you linked does not say anything specificly about PvP, but it's the PvP that gives this game a reall emotion as you lose all your stuff when you die (Stuff that in my opinion should be alot harder to get).

Edited by Sakeoe

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Then counter my argument? Everything in this game is based around PvP and wether this was Rocket's aim or not does not matter. Besides the quote you linked does not say anything specificly about PvP, but it's the PvP that gives this game a reall emotion as you lose all your stuff when you die (Stuff that in my opinion should be alot harder to get).

To counter your argument. You have subverted the environment provided to achieve your own gaming goals

"Me and my friend bought this game purely to play Dayz because we liked the idea of a realistic PvP deathmatch shooter game where you have to survive by eating beans, drinking cokes, scavenge your own weapons and ammo. The zombies are just a (fun) addetive."
The mod was never designed for that purpose. You are the corrupting influence. Read the stated objective of the mod.

Your entire approach to the "game" is anthitecal to the desired environment. That you can't see past using the environment for your own gaming agenda is what is going to kill this.

Read the last line of rockets post linked above. Then actually think about it. You're just porting the CoD deathmatch agenda into an environment for which it was not intended.

Edited by JerFeelgood

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Make it so Zombies are 'ultra alerted' to gun fire. Folk can still pvp as much as they want, but they attract zombies en mass - even from afar. Then tone down the aggro factor for players who are just exploring and getting their shit together.

Also - make it that the hatchet and a primary weapon are both able to be carried ( like real in real life ) and are both easily and quickly interchangable.

Everything else will play out fine and fair.

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Zombies aren't supposed to be hard. This isn't about the zombies, it's about interactions with other players.


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To counter your argument. You have subverted the environment provided to achieve your own gaming goals The mod was never designed for that purpose. You are the corrupting influence. Read the stated objective of the mod.

Your entire approach to the "game" is anthitecal to the desired environment. That you can't see past using the environment for your own gaming agenda is what is going to kill this.

If I may - the game is still in the 'design' phase. To suggest it is 'designed' implies the format is now established. Right now - the 'survival' aspect of the game has yet to be realised in the design. The game as it stands is essentially a pvp game, until elements of survival and gathering resources and building bases are implemented.

My previous posts on this forum have shown that I am more in favour of a survival oriented game rather than a pvp one. But the sad truth is, as it stands, Rocket and the team seem to be supporting pvp game play with the odd collection of update they introduce. I now play as a full on bandit because I got bored with sitting in a forest all day long.

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To counter your argument. You have subverted the environment provided to achieve your own gaming goals The mod was never designed for that purpose. You are the corrupting influence. Read the stated objective of the mod.

Your entire approach to the "game" is anthitecal to the desired environment. That you can't see past using the environment for your own gaming agenda is what is going to kill this.

Read the last line of rockets post linked above. Then actually think about it. You're just porting the CoD deathmatch agenda into an environment for which it was not intended.

I'm not porting a CoD Deathmatch agenda into this game, but you are porting a my little pony agenda of friendship and tollerance (or w/e those bronies sprout for bullsh!t) agenda where we should all hold hands and drink tea together. I actually quit playing CoD a long time ago as the modern warfare aspect is just complete shit (CoD2 best cod forever). In fact I like playing this game because in a way it reminds me of Soldner secret wars/marine corps but then without tanks/planes.

This game has nothing to offer that is not related to PvP one way or the other. If you are playing this game soley to survive solo in the woods or something maby you should consider quiting playing videogames and join a scout club instead.

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If I may - the game is still in the 'design' phase. To suggest it is 'designed' implies the format is now established. Right now - the 'survival' aspect of the game has yet to be realised in the design. The game as it stands is essentially a pvp game, until elements of survival and gathering resources and building bases are implemented.

My previous posts on this forum have shown that I am more in favour of a survival oriented game rather than a pvp one. But the sad truth is, as it stands, Rocket and the team seem to be supporting pvp game play with the odd collection of update they introduce. I now play as a full on bandit because I got bored with sitting in a forest all day long.

I apologise. I used the wrong phraseology. Intended would be a better word.

The deathmatch attitude is crushing any creativity. It renders the environment unusable for participants who are trying to explore how to enhance the survivalist aspects of the game and forward good feedback to the devs. That was my point.

I'm not porting a CoD Deathmatch agenda into this game, but you are porting a my little pony agenda of friendship and tollerance (or w/e those bronies sprout for bullsh!t) agenda where we should all hold hands and drink tea together. I actually quit playing CoD a long time ago as the modern warfare aspect is just complete shit (CoD2 best cod forever). In fact I like playing this game because in a way it reminds me of Soldner secret wars/marine corps but then without tanks/planes.

This game has nothing to offer that is not related to PvP one way or the other. If you are playing this game soley to survive solo in the woods or something maby you should consider quiting playing videogames and join a scout club instead.

It reminds you of another "game". Again, read rockets statement. It's not supposed to be a "game". It's supposed to be a tool to simulate an apocalypse environment to explore emotion and interactivity. I've never once called for a reduction in the PvP, just argued that the current deathmatch environment has completely surpressed any usefulness I could possibly get out of this tool. I am not here to *play a vidoegame*.

Edited by JerFeelgood
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I apologise. I used the wrong phraseology. Intended would be a better word.

The deathmatch attitude is crushing any creativity. It renders the environment unusable for participants who are trying to explore how to enhance the survivalist aspects of the game and forward good feedback to the devs. That was my point.

It reminds you of another "game". Again, read rockets statement. It's not supposed to be a "game". It's supposed to be a tool to simulate an apocalypse environment to explore emotion and interactivity. I've never once called for a reduction in the PvP, just argued that the current deathmatch environment has completely surpressed any usefulness I could possibly get out of this tool. I am not here to *play a vidoegame*.

You are simply dodging my point again and keep repeating your own "argument" which isn't even a reall argument. I am saying there is nothing in this game that is not related to PvP and you keep dodging that to try and push your own agenda. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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You are simply dodging my point again and keep repeating your own "argument" which isn't even a reall argument. I am saying there is nothing in this game that is not related to PvP and you keep dodging that to try and push your own agenda. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I got what he said - and I agree with it too. He is talking from his own personal experiences with the game. He is not trying to argue that you are wrong.

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I agree zeds are too easy and combined with not much to do once you have good stuff = find a kill players.

This is good fun, but it would also be cool to have rewards for helping others.... if only I could think of anything. Rocket?

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I agree with the fact that zombies are much too easy as they are now.

One realistic way to give zombies more power is to increase their numbers, until they become just overwhelmingly numerous. Only issue with this is the strain on the server would be huge.

Another solution is to make guns a scarce resource. Make a player celebrate when he finds a makarov, and military loot should be near impossible to obtain. Ammunition should also be scarce, making people think twice before firing at that player or at that zombie.

These two combined would make for an extremely difficult zombie survival. If you found another player you would be glad to have someone to help you take on the horde.

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You are simply dodging my point again and keep repeating your own "argument" which isn't even a reall argument. I am saying there is nothing in this game that is not related to PvP and you keep dodging that to try and push your own agenda. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

now I can see your trolling here.

As far as i can see, the PvP tools exist because they were very easy to add as the mod is derived from and uses milsim environment/engine. The survivalist tools will have to be manually coded into the engine.

So I ask you this, if guns were nerfed by massively restricting ammo supply, would you still play? If beans were strictly rationed, and matches ran out so you were forced to cooperate to trade for what in reality should be the highest value items in the environment.

I am not saying the environment as it is at the moment is not flawed considering it's stated purpose. But a whole tranche of people who've come into the environment are corrupting it as they are not willing to cede preconceived gaming agenda's to generally try something new.

*edit* in fact. I'm going to stop engaging you now because i've gone and read some of your other content and........

Edited by JerFeelgood
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It will always be a death match, regardless of how hard the zombies are. There are already roaming gank groups, all you'll do is make it harder on the people who aren't grouped up yet. Those people will group with friends they made outside the game, for the most part, so you won't be doing anything to reduce death match or reduce shoot on sight.

Your best case scenario for harder PvE just makes the game lean more towards Team Death match instead of Death match---which is where it already is for smart/experienced players.

It isn't the boring PvE zombie fighting that is making this mod popular, it is the open world PvP. Expect that side of the game to get more attention, not less, if they intend to grow the mod. After all, there are plenty of boring PvE zombie games already for people to play, the market isn't just filled, it is saturated.

You need to realize that now and get over it or move on.

However the PVP isn't what attracted and got me hooked.

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