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M4a1 Holo SD is it legit?

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Hello I would like a confirmation that it is legit or not, I've searched the wiki and didin't find it. But I've seen people saying they saw a Rocket post that where saying it was Legit D:


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Hello I would like a confirmation that it is legit or not, I've searched the wiki and didin't find it. But I've seen people saying they saw a Rocket post that where saying it was Legit D:


M4A1 CCO SD is a legitimate weapon. However one with a holo sight, I'm not so sure.

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M4A1 CCO SD / M4A1 Camo SD (same weapon) is legit and as far as I know the only silenced assault rifle currently in game. I don't think there even is an M4A1 Holo without a silencer.

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the m4 holo sd has a gernade launcher on it, thus making it a hacked item, ditch it

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