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Music you listen to while playing DayZ

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What music do you listen to while playing DayZ?

I listen to a French band called Surviving Ishimura, I created their emblem for them :D

Their song "Defcon One"

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No music, i need to hear footsteps, zombie noises and gunshots in the distance.

Never relax, never rest, paranoia is your freind

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Zeds be damned....sometimes you just have to get in the mood.


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Don't listen to music either. I have the ingame music really low to give a slight atmosphere.

The sounds in Arma 2 like weather etc are amazing. I love thunderstorms and the feeling i get as the weather changes.

Need to hear footsteps, gunshots and zeds.. No music

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lol someone gave me a negative rep for listening to music lolwtf?

I listen to it BEFORE I start playing, then I get the beat going in my head and I dont need it anymore.

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All music turned off, game sounds turned right up, computer turned right up...listen for any non-atmospheric sounds.

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I rarely listen to music while playing DayZ so I can be aware of my surroundings, but usually I'll listen to all of "The Album Leaf" albums whilst I play, or anything that might fit. Erik Satie's Gymnopedes and Gnossienes are great as well, or some of the songs from the Hungry Ghosts are good. Anything that'd fit the vast travelling and day-to-day harshness of a zombie apocalypse.

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I never listen to music while doing any "serious" gaming, and I don't understand those that do. To each his own, I guess.

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I don't always listen to music while in the zombie apocalypse, but when I do, it's from the 28 Days Later Soundtrack.

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I will occasionally load a tune up, but sound is one of your most important senses in this game, and too important to obscure.

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I listen to Dubstep quiet loudly... maybe that's why I always die >.>

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Great mood music in the style of classic horror movie soundtracks. Listen to this album and try to not think back to 70's horror. Amazing.

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I rarely listen to music.

I NEED to hear footsteps, gunshots etc.

I even turned off the ingame music.

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Yeah, as much as I love listening to music while playing games (and in general for that matter) listening to music while playing DayZ will ultimately just get you killed because sound is far too important in a game like this.

Hearing gunshots, vehicles, or other players movements is going to save your life. Not hearing them will cost it, simple as that.

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This is probably the only game that I don't listen to music on.

Need to hear what is going on around you at all times !

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Edwin Starr - War

Nothing better when trying to avoid the confrontation with triggerhappy bandits.

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I agree that you need to hear in this game... I generally keep my music volume fairly low... I can hear it but game noises easily drown it out, even just the noise of rain or of the coast will really drown out the music.

Heck, my Mumble chatter is a bigger distraction at times...

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I don't, the ambient music is freaky enough.

Need your wits about you!

Actually, if I was on sentry duty or something I could do that - but you NEED to hear gunshots

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