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Custom character setting(HATS!!!!,boots/running shoes)

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SO i think you should be able to somewhat more customize your character,besides just choosing between a female and a male just isn't enough.....I think you should be able to customize your character at least to the point of where you can put like a funny hat or something,just for style to make your character original/or it can work as a clan sign...ex a cowboy hat could be the clan sign of a clan....it would make it easier to see who is friendly and who is not..would help a lot with clan organization...Also i think running shoes would be a really good asset to the game, they should make you run slightly faster but most of all a lot quieter, this should be a rare item to find to make sure the odds of everyone having it slim...LMK what you guys think about these suggestions

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Yeah i agree, the game is already an MMO so i think they will add it in the future. But right now the game is struggling with tents not saving, hackers almost everywhere and stuff simply not working.

They need to fix the basics of the game first before they add in cosmetics.

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