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...Im confused, was he trying to frame me... or be friendly?, regardless this is not good at all.

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so i joined a popular looking server, i spawned on a beach, i had just died previously, and as i stroll along said beach i find an ammo crate, empty luckily enough, suddenly i hear a crash, and a bang, a helicopter just collided with the floor behind me, and suddenly, i have all of the endgame loot, plus a as50 with infered, naturally i dropped the gun as soon as i had noticed it, baring in mind i didnt pick it up in the first place, it all spawned on me, nightvision, GPS the whole package, so i dumped it all, and within seconds, someone with a similar set up to the one i just had forced apon me kills me.

Im not sure if the intent was to give me equipment as to be friendly, or to try and frame me for hacking, all i know is i will be sticking to my home server from now on, the fallout from hackers on other servers looks alot more intimidating compaired to the odd teleporting player i see on my home server.

Any similar situations people had happen?

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He most likely did it to everyone on the server.

Edit: Can't relate or be sure though, as I have not had any run-ins with any script kiddies as of yet.

Edited by SLASH-7

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I just hope the hive is a smart enough system to automatically screen and delete weapons that are not in the mod apon save upload...

Edit: i also heard theres hive logs, i do hope this doesnt put a black spot on my account or some such

Edited by DahBunny

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He most likely did it to everyone on the server.

Edit: Can't relate or be sure though, as I have not had any run-ins with any script kiddies as of yet.

He probably meant to kit himself out, typo'd or misclicked, and everyone on the server got it instead of just him.

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That happened to me before. I took a dead guys back pack and gun.I had no ammo for my weapons then i had loads of mags and AS50 rounds, ghille suit and all the tools and such that appeared randomly when i was heading north.

I logged out straight away and when i moved to a new server i only had the backpack and gun. I guess they belonged to a hacker. There was probably no way for them to have known i had taken things from them so my guess is if you have anything that was spawned by a hacker if they spawn in things for themself you end up getting it too.

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He most likely did it to everyone on the server.

Edit: Can't relate or be sure though, as I have not had any run-ins with any script kiddies as of yet.

You sir are fortunate, we have one that keeps coming on our server and teleports round killing people.

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Minus the heli crash, this happened to me earlier in the week at Cherno. When I logged off to report I couldn't get back in (Steam update issue). Once resolved the next day I came back with my original kit (except the backpack, my Alice was still replaced with a now empty Coyote)

Not sure if they are just enjoying the power trip, trolling everyone as much as possible, or somehow construe that as genuinely being helpful. Either way, one more drop in the overflowing script kiddie bucket that has been the last few weeks in DayZ

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You sir are fortunate, we have one that keeps coming on our server and teleports round killing people.

Thats the same problem i have on my server commonly, normally only appears ever six or seven hours, Normally doesnt kill me, unless i have end game loot.

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so i joined a popular looking server, i spawned on a beach, i had just died previously, and as i stroll along said beach i find an ammo crate, empty luckily enough, suddenly i hear a crash, and a bang, a helicopter just collided with the floor behind me, and suddenly, i have all of the endgame loot, plus a as50 with infered, naturally i dropped the gun as soon as i had noticed it, baring in mind i didnt pick it up in the first place, it all spawned on me, nightvision, GPS the whole package, so i dumped it all, and within seconds, someone with a similar set up to the one i just had forced apon me kills me.

Im not sure if the intent was to give me equipment as to be friendly, or to try and frame me for hacking, all i know is i will be sticking to my home server from now on, the fallout from hackers on other servers looks alot more intimidating compaired to the odd teleporting player i see on my home server.

Any similar situations people had happen?

I wouldn't worry too much, it's happened to me. Someone spawned some sort of AK on everyone once when I first started playing the game, it kinda overlapped and bugged out my Lee Enfield. I ended up with a full auto Lee Enfield with 30 round mag.

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Thats the same problem i have on my server commonly, normally only appears ever six or seven hours, Normally doesnt kill me, unless i have end game loot.

I think Rocket should come on my server and get killed by the script kiddie a few times that way he might change his perspective on not allowing admins to ban people themselves.

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I think Rocket should come on my server and get killed by the script kiddie a few times that way he might change his perspective on not allowing admins to ban people themselves.

You run a server? seeing as you from the UK i was wondering which one, might set myself up a second home for when im not with my american friends.

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