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Game Survivability and a WANTED system with rewards

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I have been playing DayZ for quite a while now, I have been killing zombies and I have been killed by zombies, I have been killing humans and i have been killed by humans. After long periods of playing and trying to survive, despite the MOD bugs the game is quite annoying to play sometimes. I know Rocket wants to have a game that is meant to test human nature of trust but... In my personal opinion, I think that the game wouldn't be as successful as it could be if the following subject I am about to present would not be implemented. (This topic is also linked to another topic i done on Inventory)

So no matter what, this game has some concept of an RPG where you find items and upgrade your gear in order to be more powerful. What usually happens in this game is you find your better gear such as a map, a compass, few blood bags and a good weapon and then the game changes, you are very careful of your moves and are kind of scared to die just not to lose the items. I know that this game is meant to be about being scared of dying and losing the gear but for a larger scale game, even larger than what it;s at now wouldn't be successful. Again, in my opinion some or even most of the players would prefer to play their character or "with their gear" longer than they can right now. Even from statistics it appears that there is way more survivors than Bandits and bandits are the ones that kill the most of survivors. Despite the current zombie speedy running, they are still quite easy to avoid or kill and thats why I though about this system where bandits could be wanted.

There are many people who just want to play without killing other survivors but wouldn't mind killing a bandit who already has some gear to take and perhaps to avenge the killed people. The system would simply rank players, bandits with for example 10 player kills would get a level 1 rank and would be more valuable to kill, survivors could be ranked for killing bandits and climb a rank after killing 2 bandits since there is less of them. Also killing a higher ranked player would grant a higher rank upgrade. For those players who have maps, the map could display if there is a bandit in the City (not show exact location but only the city the bandit is in)

The prize for killing a high ranked player FROM THE OPPOSING side can be discussed (perhaps money could be implemented into the game), it is also good to mention that the players rank would be displayed in their name when looking at them, in red color for bandits and green for counter-bandits or whatever they might be called.

That would give players who just started a chance to get better gear from cities and such with much lower risk of dying and spice the game a little more for players who already have their characters geared. As I said before nobody likes loosing their items but some people take more risks therefore the player has a choice of not killing players and have a lower risk of dying or kill players and have a higher risk of dying. This could also be turned on or off depending from a server.

In my opinion this system is very balancing, dividing the survivors to goo and bad guys and players who are neutral that are more into PVE rather than PVP. That way the game is very flexible and doesn't completely eliminate the risk of death by player for the PVE fanatics, just like in a real apocalypse there would be people who would kill to save others and people that would kill just so they could survive by themselves and there would also be the innocent who would not kill a person (zombies are not humans anymore lol)

This System needs a lot of discussion so please people, if you are interested in the implementation then post your ideas about prizes that could be awarded for killing a high ranked player or tweaks to the system itself.

[sorry for bad English here and there lol]

Edited by Saurey

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this is far too shallow of an idea. most kills are survivor against survivor. there's almost no diffrence between bandit and survivor anymore.

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this is far too shallow of an idea. most kills are survivor against survivor. there's almost no diffrence between bandit and survivor anymore.

you are wrong. killing other survivors as a survivor will make you a bandit, as soon as you become bandit, you gain your rank faster which means it is harder to survive. If you decide to kill bandits then your rank will grow towards counter-bandits what what this system is meant to do is keep the neutral survivors off the conflict and make only the bandits and counter-bandits fight together, you will gain nothing good by killing normal survivors although if you are a bandit or a counter-bandit and you kill your enemy, you will benefit but also the risk of being killed will rise unless you are very skilled in hiding. This basically makes two factions fight against each other although that is not meant to completely eliminate the dangers for normal survivors, it is just meant to make it more profitable to kill anyone but normal survivors

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dont you think it would be hard to stay nuetral or good. its so much easier to to just kill and leave, most of the people that play now just get bored of being nice or dont think its worth it.

if anything, there should be slots in the opfor and independant slots of the slotting screen, where you can choose a side based on play-style.

and look man i shouldnt say you're idea is bad, it just needs other things to be in place, like what ive said for it to work at all.

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