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Arma II - Not Responding

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Alright I'm fed up with this fucking shit. I bought this game 2 weeks ago and I am still having trouble getting the game to work. I am still having the same problem which is that whenever I start the SixLauncher and try to join a game Arma 2 OA freezes. I figured that if I waited a week or two a new patch would come out to fix this shit, but unfortunatly the patch did not do shit to help me. Last week I tried several "fixes" such as installing lastest beta patch, reinstalling the game, and even messing with the battleye installs. As of now I deleted everything and just reinstalled Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA as well as SixLauncher. I am yet to mess with anything else until I receive some help. Anyways if you know any ways I can fix this problem I would MUCH appreciate it.



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CPU: Intel Core i7-3610QMVGA:

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 670m / 3GB


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BUMP holyfucking shit someone help me out here I havent got to play the fucking game stupid as fuck holy fucking shit

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Ok your stats are fine to run the game, just had to check.

Ensure you are running the latest drivers for your GPU, check that you are running both steam and ArmA2OA.exe as administrator.

Also, there could be a conflict between sixlauncher and your PC so try using alternate methods to launch the game. Check you have an @DayZ folder, inside that there should be a folder called Addons within which the DayZ files should be. If they are there make a new shortcut and add -mod=@Dayz and run the shortcut to launch manually.

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Played last night for a bit then I too had this stupid issue. Hopefully new patches released today fix this shit.

edit: I also notice that sometimes it goes past 'waiting for host' then starts to d/l the 42kb file but freezes part the way through.

Edited by MadMax

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do you have skype because I am still having trouble

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I love how the this mod is never going to fucking work...

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having this same problem. Without Dayz installed, ARMAII OA starts, but then crashes at Bohemia Interactive title screen. Crashes at bootup if Dayz is installed :|

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I am about to fucking break my computer this has been pissing me the fuck off for 2 weeks now. MOD CREATORS FIX THE FUCKING GAME SO WE CAN PLAY IT THIS SHIT IS SOO FUCKING DUMB IM FED UP WITH THIS BULLSHIT !!!!@@!@!

@DayzForumhelpers - Also i went through your dumbass help video and shit and that shit fucking blows, still doesnt work whatsoever...........

Edited by kibblez

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Ok here is an update on WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENS TO me EVERY time I start the fucking game.

Run steam as admin.

Start SixLauncher


Join game with same patch I have

Load past tank loading screen

FREEZE @ multiplayer setup screen <--------EVERY FUCKING TIME

If I dont start with SixLauncher and just run the game as admin the same shit happens

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Just wondering - have you tried completely uninstalling & reinstalling your video drivers?

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no, this computer is an msi laptop that I just got a few weeks ago I didn't mess with any drivers as I do not know how

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Another update, if I try to join a game without using SixLauncher it gives me the msg : "you cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadble content that has been deleted.chernus"

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Another update, if I try to join a game without using SixLauncher it gives me the msg : "you cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadble content that has been deleted.chernus"

because you are only running operation arrowhead, you need to launch combined ops, which can be done through six launcher

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Hmm ok well when I start sixlauncher I Freeze at multiplayer setup screen :(

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Did you have this same problem? because no one seems to be able to help

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